Olympic Leo


"Olympic Leo" is winner 
1. Olympiad pigeon Germany Cat D
2. Nat Acepigeon Ace cock Germany All-round
1. Kalisz 3,756 pigeons
1. Neubrandenburg 3,517 pigeons
1. Neubrandenburg        1,050 pigeons
raced at W. Roeper 
"Olympic Leo" is (grand)father
1. Prov. Ace pigeon Allround Afd. 8 in 2018
1. Nat. Ace pigeon Short/Middle dist. PIPA 2024
1. Nat. Ace Short/Middle dist De Allerbeste '24
1. Prov. Charlevilles 13,310 pigeons
1. Prov. Chalons 11,004 pigeons
1. Geel                             6,739 pigeons
1. Chalons 1,691 pigeons
1. Fulda 5,961 pigeons
1. Sittard 1,892 pigeons

Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp
Cortenoeverseweg 82
6971 JK Brummen (NL)
Tel: +31 575 538555

"Olympic Leo" is winner of the following prizes:
"Olympic Leo" is winner of the following titles:
Descendants to "Olympic Leo" are winner of the following prizes:
Descendants to "Olympic Leo" are winner of the following titles:

No parents information available.