

'Herby' is superb breeder and father 
1. Niergnies                3,284 pigeons
1. Tienen 2,102 pigeons
1. Niergnies 1,224 pigeons
2. Tienen 3,077 pigeons
2. Bierges 5,258 pigeons
4. Bierges 2,750 pigeons
5. Bierges 2,750 pigeons
5. Niergnies 909 pigeons
7. Chalons 1,251 pigeons
7. Quievrain 1,095 pigeons
8. Niergnies 5,031 pigeons
Son 'Vetblauwe Jackpot' x 'Uniek'

'Herby' is full brother 'Beetle'

1. Nat. Ace pigeon Yearlings De Allerbeste 2019
1. Nat. Ace pigeon Middle Distance Pipa 2019
1. Niergnies 1,597 pigeons

Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp
Cortenoeverseweg 82
6971 JK Brummen (NL)
Tel: +31 575 538555

Descendants to "Herby" are winner of the following prizes:

The father of this pigeon: Vetblauwe Jackpot

Descendants to "Vetblauwe Jackpot" are winner of the following prizes:
Descendants to "Vetblauwe Jackpot" are winner of the following titles:

View all details of Vetblauwe Jackpot.

The mother of this pigeon: Uniek

Descendants to "Uniek" are winner of the following prizes:

View all details of Uniek.