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Daughter "Kleine Dirk" C&G Koopman

Descendants to "Dirkje" won a.o.
1. Feluy 4,558 pigeons
1. NPO Sezanne 3,808 pigeons
1. Quievrain 1,799 pigeons
1. Albita 1,798 pigeons
1. Quievrain 1,110 pigeons
1. Albita 1,084 pigeons
2. NPO Epernay 2,972 pigeons
3. Troyes 10,281 pigeons
3. NPO Sens 9,437 pigeons
4. Chantilly 4,385 pigeons

Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp
Cortenoeverseweg 82
6971 JK Brummen (NL)
Tel: +31 575 538555

Descendants to "Dirkje" are winner of the following prizes:
  • 1. Feluy against 4,558 pigeons
  • 1. NPO Sezanne against 3,808 pigeons
  • 1. Quievrain against 1,799 pigeons
  • Show more prizes »
  • 1. Albita against 1,798 pigeons
  • 1. Quievrain against 1,110 pigeons
  • 1. Albita against 1,084 pigeons
  • 2. NPO Epernay against 2,972 pigeons
  • 3. Troyes against 10,281 pigeons
  • 3. NPO Sens against 9,437 pigeons
  • 4. Chantilly against 4,385 pigeons
  • 4. Messac against 2,740 pigeons
  • 4. Sens against 1,412 pigeons
  • 8. Peronne against 3,989 pigeons
  • 16. Haasrode against 12,149 pigeons
  • 19. Boxtel against 15,529 pigeons
  • 29. Meer against 7,154 pigeons
  • 39. NPO Fay aux Loges against 14,285 pigeons
  • 49. Nanteuil-le- Haudoui against 651 pigeons
  • 51. Boxtel against 15,529 pigeons
  • 57. Boxtel against 6,203 pigeons
  • 67. Haasrode against 613 pigeons
  • 75. Pommeroeul against 6,831 pigeons
  • 86. Mantes la Jolie against 1,806 pigeons
  • 96. Chateauroux Parc. against 1,241 pigeons
  • 99. Peronne against 673 pigeons
Descendants to "Dirkje" are winner of the following titles:
  • 1. Acepigeon CC Eindhoven Middle Distance
  • 1. arriving pigeon Sylt (Germany) One Loft race
No related pigeons for sale found.