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New Euro


"New Euro" is winner of 
1. German Olympiad pigeon Budapest Cat. F
1. Alsfeld 3,825 pigeons
2. Frankenau               4,049 pigeons
3. Korbach 4,293 pigeons
"New Euro" is father to
1. Nat. Ace Yearlings De Allerbeste 2024
3. Nat. Ace Young M.D. Pipa 2018
5. Nat. Ace S.D./M.D. WHZB 2020
5. Nat. Ace pigeon Short Distance NPO 2021
5. Nat. Ace Young Short Distance PIPA 2023
6. Nat. Ace Allround De Allerbeste 2022
9. Nat. Ace Youngster WHZB 2019
11. Nat. Ace Short Distance De Allerbeste 2023
1. Prov. Laon      7,594 pigeons   327 km
1. Prov. Morlincourt 7,584 pigeons 357 km
1. Prov. Menen          5,548 pigeons 254 km
3. NPO Laon 11,179 pigeons 332 km
3. Nat. Melun 6,383 pigeons 463 km
6. NPO Peronne 5,900 pigeons 356 km


Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp
Cortenoeverseweg 82
6971 JK Brummen (NL)
Tel: +31 575 538555


3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 16, 21, 22, 24, 31, 43, 44, 45 etc Chimay against 1,825 YBs

Today, there are two races again, one for young pigeons and one for late-season flights.
Both are held from the same release location, Chimay (262km).
In the morning, it's heavily overcast with some mist here and there.
The expectation is that the sun will break through the clouds later in the morning.
The wind is light from the northwest, and the temperature is around 20 degrees Celsius.
In the young pigeon race, we've placed 62 pigeons in the basket, with 23 from Lotte and 39 from Hans and Evert Jan.
Upon arrival, it became clear that the conditions were challenging for the young pigeons.

The frist arriving pigeon was bred from New Euro"New Euro" x a daughter of Solange Junior"Solange Junior".


Results by level

Level Pigeons Result Prizes Boxed Percentage
Area the IJssel 631 3-4-5-8-9-11-15-16-18-21-24-25 etc. 29 62 46.8%
Flying Area SE 1825 3-4-5-9-10-16-21-22-24-31-43-44-45 etc. 29 62 46.8%
Section 8 South 4114 9-12-22-37-39-61-81-83-94 etc. 29 62 46.8%
Section 8 8316 9-13-30-60-65-128 etc. 26 62 41.9%
Distance: 262.149 km Liberation time: 13:00 Wind direction: NW

First 45 arrivals from Chimay

# Band nr. Loft Clocked Velocity Photo
7 NL23-9100005 02/09/2023 16:47:40 1,151.7 mpm Pedigree


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8 NL23-9099995 02/09/2023 16:47:41 1,151.6 mpm Pedigree

Indian Solange

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Indian Solange

9 NL23-7084064 02/09/2023 16:48:19 1,148.2 mpm Pedigree

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10 NL23-9100340 02/09/2023 16:48:46 1,146.1 mpm Pedigree

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11 NL23-9100113 02/09/2023 16:52:29 1,127.6 mpm Pedigree


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12 NL23-9100136 02/09/2023 16:52:38 1,127.1 mpm Pedigree

Angel Eyes

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Angel Eyes

13 NL23-9100033 02/09/2023 16:52:38 1,127.1 mpm Pedigree

Dark Beetle

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Dark Beetle

14 NL23-9099991 02/09/2023 16:52:38 1,127.1 mpm Pedigree

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15 NL23-9100032 02/09/2023 16:52:44 1,126.6 mpm Pedigree

New Beetle

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New Beetle

16 NL23-9100009 02/09/2023 16:52:44 1,126.6 mpm Pedigree

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17 NL23-9099925 02/09/2023 16:52:50 1,125.9 mpm Pedigree


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18 NL23-9100185 02/09/2023 16:55:10 1,114.9 mpm Pedigree

Marie Jo

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Marie Jo

19 NL23-9100000 02/09/2023 16:56:36 1,108.0 mpm Pedigree

Cinq Zéro

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Cinq Zéro

20 NL23-9099922 02/09/2023 17:07:01 1,061.3 mpm Pedigree


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21 NL23-9099928 02/09/2023 17:07:01 1,061.3 mpm Pedigree


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22 NL23-9100086 02/09/2023 17:07:22 1,059.9 mpm Pedigree

New Blizzard

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New Blizzard

23 NL23-9100320 02/09/2023 17:07:44 1,058.4 mpm Pedigree


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24 NL23-7084068 02/09/2023 17:10:24 1,046.9 mpm Pedigree

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25 NL23-9100006 02/09/2023 17:11:46 1,041.4 mpm Pedigree


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26 NL23-9099897 02/09/2023 17:21:57 1,000.8 mpm Pedigree


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27 NL23-9099880 02/09/2023 17:27:09 981.3 mpm Pedigree

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28 NL23-9099766 02/09/2023 17:27:18 980.7 mpm Pedigree


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29 NL23-9100036 02/09/2023 17:27:41 979.5 mpm Pedigree

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30 NL23-9099971 02/09/2023 17:49:25 905.8 mpm Pedigree


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31 NL23-9100199 02/09/2023 17:53:30 893.2 mpm Pedigree

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32 NL23-9100103 02/09/2023 17:58:29 878.4 mpm Pedigree

Leo 103

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Leo 103

33 NL23-9100197 02/09/2023 18:06:12 856.1 mpm Pedigree

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34 NL23-9100297 02/09/2023 18:24:10 808.8 mpm Pedigree

Blue Simon

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Blue Simon

35 NL23-9099770 02/09/2023 18:28:28 798.1 mpm Pedigree

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36 NL23-9099756 02/09/2023 18:34:00 784.9 mpm Pedigree


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37 NL23-9099941 02/09/2023 18:52:50 743.0 mpm Pedigree

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38 NL23-9099736 02/09/2023 18:53:27 741.7 mpm Pedigree

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39 NL23-9100357 02/09/2023 18:53:28 741.7 mpm Pedigree


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40 NL23-9100061 02/09/2023 18:55:54 736.7 mpm Pedigree

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41 NL23-9100105 02/09/2023 19:00:57 726.4 mpm Pedigree

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42 NL23-9100226 02/09/2023 19:22:56 684.6 mpm Pedigree

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43 NL23-9100198 02/09/2023 19:23:58 682.7 mpm Pedigree

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44 NL23-9100122 02/09/2023 19:28:33 674.7 mpm Pedigree

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45 NL23-9100267 02/09/2023 19:32:50 667.3 mpm Pedigree

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