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<b>PRESENTED: </B> Nika 1. Provincial Ace pigeon Speed/natour Section 9

PRESENTED: Nika 1. Provincial Ace pigeon Speed/natour Section 9

We continue by introducing our top pigeons from 2023, now featuring NL22-8229044NL22-8229044 "Nika", who achieved outstanding performances in the loft of Eijerkamp-Paalman.

"Nika", an excellent hen had won several early provincial prizes.

The father is Bor"Bor" from A&B Leideman, a fantastic breeding cock, and the mother is NL20-1250002NL20-1250002 "Jeanne D'Arc", bred from the superb pair Vetblauwe Jackpot"Vetblauwe Jackpot" and Rosie"Rosie".