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<b>BRILLIANT</b>  Eijerkamp-Paalman 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11 etc. Marche against 3,657 pigeons

BRILLIANT Eijerkamp-Paalman 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11 etc. Marche against 3,657 pigeons

Results by level

Level Pigeons Result Prizes Boxed Percentage
Area the IJssel 263 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-13-14-15-16-17-18-20 etc. 68 149 45.6%
Area CC7 1757 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-15-16-17-18-19-20-26-27-28 etc. 111 149 74.5%
Section 9 South 3657 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-15-16-17-18-19-21 etc. 115 149 77.2%
Section 9 9820 2-3-4-5-9-10-12-13-14-15-16-32-33-34-36-37-39 etc. 111 149 74.5%
Distance: 231.839 km Liberation time: 10:00 Wind direction: South East

The train in Laren thundered through at express speed, and once again this past weekend, there was a bombardment of top pigeons, during which the southern region of Section 9 was completely overruled by the dominance of the Eijerkamp-Paalman combination. The pigeons were released in Marche (232 km) at 10 AM, and by 12:46 PM, the first two pigeons stormed onto the landing board with an average speed of 1,391 m/min. The results show positions 1 through 11, as well as 48 pigeons among the first 100 prize pigeons out of the 3,657 pigeons in competition. 

At the provincial level, there was only one pigeon faster (1,396 m/min), but the result was still phenomenal, starting with positions 2-3-4-5-9-10-12-13-14-15-16 etc. out of 9,820 pigeons, with 31 pigeons in the top 100!

The winner was a 2-year-old hen named 'Sofia,' who achieved her third provincial Top 10 finish with this performance.



'Sofia' is winner of a.o.
1. Marche 3,657 pigeons
  2. Provincial  9,820 pigeons
5. Prov. Marche                 8,109 pigeons
9. Nat. Chalons  11,002 pigeons
9. Sourdun 5,271 pigeons
19. Heusden-Zolder 6,324 pigeons
56. Charlevilles 4,004 pigeons
67. Heusden-Zolder 3,001 pigeons
68. Chalons 1,042 pigeons
69. Dizy le Gros 1,873 pigeons
84. Marche 1,722 pigeons
Raced at Eijerkamp-Paalman
Granddaughter 'Vetblauwe Jackpot'

Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp
Cortenoeverseweg 82
6971 JK Brummen (NL)
Tel: +31 575 538555

Below the first 11 pigeons in the list against 3,657 pigeons

1. Marche 3,657 pigeons NL22-8209252NL22-8209252 'Sofia'

2. Marche 3,657 pigeons NL24-8207622NL24-8207622 

3. Marche 3,657 pigeons NL22-7073673NL22-7073673 'Lotte'

4. Marche 3,657 pigeons NL24-8189666NL24-8189666 

5. Marche 3,657 pigeons NL22-8229093NL22-8229093 'Zoe'

6. Marche 3,657 pigeons NL23-9082721NL23-9082721 'Lars'

7. Marche 3,657 pigeons NL22-8229160NL22-8229160 'Chick'

8. Marche 3,657 pigeons NL22-8209219NL22-8209219 'Dark Beetle'

9. Marche 3,657 pigeons NL23-9099764NL23-9099764 'Amber'

10. Marche 3,657 pigeons NL24-8207612NL24-8207612 

11. Marche 3,657 pigeons NL23-9082693NL23-9082693 'Hello'



"Zoe" is winner 8x 1:1000
1. World Best Pigeon Short-dist. Europe 2024

1. Nat. Ace Short/Middle dis.De Allerbeste 2024
1. Nat. Ace Speed World Best Pigeon FCI 2024
1. Nat. Ace Short/Middle dist. PIPA 2024

9. Nat. Ace Short/Middle Distance PIPA 2023
1. Prov. Charleville  13,310 pigeons  297 km
1. Tongeren 2,620 pigeons 168 km
2. Prov. Chalons  14,539 pigeons 389 km
2. Heusden-Zolder 6,324 pigeons 150 km
3. Prov. Marche 24,807 pigeons 232 km
4. Prov. Bierges 17,843 pigeons 187 km
5. Prov. Dizy le Gros    23,938 pigeons 334 km
9. Prov. Marche 9,820 pigeons 232 km
11. Morlincourt 1,491 pigeons 377 km
19. Prov. Marche 10,897 pigeons 232 km
20. Prov. Dizy le Gros   9,131 pigeons 334 km
25. Prov. Chalons   11,002 pigeons 389 km
25. Sourdun 5,271 pigeons 462 km
Raced at Eijerkamp-Paalman

2. Nat. Ace Short dist. PIPA 2024
4. Nat. Ace Middle dist. De Allerbeste 2024
7. Nat. Ace Middle dist. WHZB/NPO 2024

Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp
Cortenoeverseweg 82
6971 JK Brummen (NL)
Tel: +31 575 538555

This also been the last race for tophen 'Zoe' who now is moved to the Eijerkamp breeding lofts in Brummen after 2 exceptional seasons.

Preliminary she will be : 1. Nat. Ace pigeon Short/Middle distance De Allerbeste in 2024

                                       1. Nat. Ace World Best Pigeon of the Netherlands Short-distance 2024

                                       1. Nat. Ace pigeon Short/Middle distance PIPA in 2024

Next to these still many other toprankings which we will publish after completing the season in which still 1 race needs to be held in Section 9.