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<b>SENSATIONAL FINAL RACE</b>  1-2-3-4-5-6-7 Provincial Dizy le Gros - 7,155 pigeons

SENSATIONAL FINAL RACE 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 Provincial Dizy le Gros - 7,155 pigeons

No arrivels yet...

A sensational final race of the season in which the team of Eijerkamp-Paalman crushes the competitors again at provincial level in section 9. A total of 145 old and young pigeons were basketed for the race of Dizy le Gros (334 km) in which 106 prizecards were achieved by this 'Dreamteam'.

Provincial Dizy le Gros against 7,155 pigeons1-2-3-4-5-6-7-12-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22-23-24-25-29 etc. etc.

In Region South against 2,635 pigeons starting 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-23-25-26-28-29 etc. etc.

The pigeons were released at 09.00 hrs and at 13.03 the first drop of 7 youngsters arrived with NL24-8189659NL24-8189659 'Royal Grizzle' clocked first. This new superstar won 5 prizecards out of the 5 races in the Natour in which he was entered.

1. Prov. Dizy le Gros 7,155 pigeons
2. Prov. Bierges 14,594 pigeons
23. Heusden-Zolder 6,324 pigeons
78. Prov. Marche 9,820 pigeons
527. Tongeren 2,620 pigeons

Father: NL21-1670022 'Andres', son of the supercouple Viton"Viton" Daughter Goed Grijs"Daughter Goed Grijs"

Mother: NL19-1304793 'Mother Nienke', superbreeding hen from Arnold Paalman who now bred 8x first prizes incl. 3 provinical winners

Here below you can click on the ringnumbers to see the first arriving pigeons in this sensational race

1. against 7,155 pigeons: NL24-8189659NL24-8189659 

2. against 7,155 pigeons: NL24-8189682NL24-8189682 

3. against 7,155 pigeons: NL24-8189635NL24-8189635 

4. against 7,155 pigeons: NL24-8207648NL24-8207648 

5. against 7,155 pigeons: B24-6033898B24-6033898 

6. against 7,155 pigeons: NL24-8207618NL24-8207618