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Eijerkamp Pigeons dominate World Best Pigeon FCI Speed 2024 in the Netherlands

Eijerkamp Pigeons dominate World Best Pigeon FCI Speed 2024 in the Netherlands

The 2024 racing season has concluded, and all championships and ace pigeons have been announced. Among these, the prestigious World Best Pigeon competition in the Netherlands has revealed its winners. Hans and Evert-Jan Eijerkamp are immensely proud that Zoe"Zoe" has been crowned the 1. National Ace Pigeon Speed in this highly regarded competition, organized under the rules of the FCI. Zoe"Zoe" truly stands out as one of the best pigeons in the Netherlands during the 2024 season, with many enthusiasts calling her simply the very best. Howeve Zoe was not the only star. An incredible five Eijerkamp pigeons placed among the top 10 National Ace Pigeons. Notably, the silver medal was claimed by the Homma Brothers, who achieved this feat with a direct Eijerkamp pigeon!
We are excited to introduce you to these six exceptional pigeons and share their outstanding achievements.
1. World Best Pigeon FCI; NL22-8229093 ‘Zoe’       
Zoe"Zoe", NL22-8229093NL22-8229093became 1. National Ace World Best Pigeon with following results at Eijerkamp-Paalman

1. Tongeren                 2,620 pigeons             168 km            
2. Heusden-Zolder      6,324 pigeons             150 km
2. Marche                    8,452 pigeons             231 km
3. Dizy le Gros.            8,288 pigeons             334 km
5. Marche                    3,657 pigeons              231 km
Zoe"Zoe" is bred from ‘Karl’ X ‘Leo 222’ - Daughter Olympic Leo"Olympic Leo"



"Zoe" is winner 8x 1:1000
1. World Best Pigeon Short-dist. Europe 2024

1. Nat. Ace Short/Middle dis.De Allerbeste 2024
1. Nat. Ace Speed World Best Pigeon FCI 2024
1. Nat. Ace Short/Middle dist. PIPA 2024

9. Nat. Ace Short/Middle Distance PIPA 2023
1. Prov. Charleville  13,310 pigeons  297 km
1. Tongeren 2,620 pigeons 168 km
2. Prov. Chalons  14,539 pigeons 389 km
2. Heusden-Zolder 6,324 pigeons 150 km
3. Prov. Marche 24,807 pigeons 232 km
4. Prov. Bierges 17,843 pigeons 187 km
5. Prov. Dizy le Gros    23,938 pigeons 334 km
9. Prov. Marche 9,820 pigeons 232 km
11. Morlincourt 1,491 pigeons 377 km
19. Prov. Marche 10,897 pigeons 232 km
20. Prov. Dizy le Gros   9,131 pigeons 334 km
25. Prov. Chalons   11,002 pigeons 389 km
25. Sourdun 5,271 pigeons 462 km
Raced at Eijerkamp-Paalman

2. Nat. Ace Short dist. PIPA 2024
4. Nat. Ace Middle dist. De Allerbeste 2024
7. Nat. Ace Middle dist. WHZB/NPO 2024

Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp
Cortenoeverseweg 82
6971 JK Brummen (NL)
Tel: +31 575 538555

2. World Best Pigeon FCI, NL22-8209291 ‘Juna’

‘Juna’, NL22-8209291NL22-8209291, became 2. National Ace World Best Pigeon with following results at Gebr. Homma
1. Boxmeer                 12,268 pigeons            134 km
1. Duffel                        6,141 pigeons             227 km
1. Boxmeer                   2,140 pigeons             134 km
3. Tongeren                  2,263 pigeons             234 km
7. Duffel                        4,971 pigeons             227 km
‘Juna’ is bred from Charley"Charley" X ‘Moeder Nienke’


5. World Best Pigeon FCI; NL23-9100040 ‘Smokey Euro’
Smokey Euro"Smokey Euro", NL23-9100040NL23-9100040, became 5. National Ace World Best Pigeon with following results at Lotte Eijerkamp
1. Morlincourt                7,584 pigeons             358 km
3. Chalons                   12,324 pigeons             373 km
3. Tienen                       3,654 pigeons             166 km
4. Bierges                      3,597 pigeons             187 km
3. Chimay                      1,123 pigeons             262 km
Smokey Euro"Smokey Euro" is bred from New Euro"New Euro" X ‘Erin’ – daughter Solange Junior"Solange Junior"

Smokey Euro


'Smokey Euro' is winner
1. Nat. Ace pigeon Yearlings De Allerbeste 2024
3. Nat. Ace World Best Pigeon FCI Speed 2024
5. Nat. Ace Young Short Distance PIPA 2023
7. World Best Pigeon Europe FCI Short-Distance 2024
1. Prov. Morlincourt 7,584 pigeons  359 km
3. Prov. Chalons  12,324 pigeons 373 km
3. Chimay 1,123 pigeons 262 km
3. Tienen 3,654 pigeons 166 km
4. Bierges 3,597 pigeons 187 km
5. Bierges                   3,046 pigeons 187 km
9. Prov. Chimay 8,316 pigeons 262 km
12. Chimay 1,902 pigeons 262 km
14. Niergnies 1,744 pigeons 299 km
15. Bierges 3,448 pigeons 187 km
23. Quievrain                         2,683 pigeons 256 km
31. Provincial Melun 8,757 pigeons 456 km
37. Bierges                            2,490 pigeons 187 km
44. Tienen 1,217 pigeons 166 km
Daughter 'New Euro' x 'Erin'

Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp
Cortenoeverseweg 82
6971 JK Brummen (NL)
Tel: +31 575 538555

7. World Best Pigeon FCI; NL22-7073673 ‘Lotte’
Lotte"Lotte", NL22-7073673NL22-7073673, became 7. National Ace World Best Pigeon with following results at Eijerkamp-Paalman
4. Bierges                    14,594 pigeons             206 km
4. Marche                      9,820 pigeons             232 km
4. Dizy le Gros              8,288 pigeons              334 km
4. Tongeren                  2,620 pigeons              168 km
10. Heusden-Zolder      6,324 pigeons             150 km
Lotte"Lotte" is daughter of Sphinx"Sphinx" X ‘Griselda’ – daughter Vetblauwe Jackpot"Vetblauwe Jackpot"



'Lotte' is winner of a.o.
7. Nat. Ace Speed World Best Pigeon FCI 2024
10. Nat. Ace pigeon Speed De Allerbeste 2024
1. Prov. Bierges 17,843 pigeons
4. Prov. Bierges 14,594 pigeons
4. Prov. Marche 8,920 pigeons
4. Dizy le Gros 8,293 pigeons
4. Tongeren 2,620 pigeons
6. Provincial Dizy le Gros.    9,131 pigeons
6. Sourdun 5,271 pigeons
9. Provincial Bierges 6,198 pigeons
10. Heusden-Zolder 6,324 pigeons
15. Prov. Mettet  12,148 pigeons
34. Charlevilles  4,488 pigeons
49. Chalons en Champagne 5,087 pigeons
90 DIzy le Gros 2,812 pigeons
raced at Eijerkamp-Paalman
Daughter 'Sphinx' X 'Griselda'

Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp
Cortenoeverseweg 82
6971 JK Brummen (NL)
Tel: +31 575 538555

8. World Best Pigeon FCI; NL23-9099764 ‘Amber’
‘Amber’, NL23-9099764NL23-9099764, became 8. National Ace World Best Pigeon with following results at Eijerkamp-Paalman
1. Bierges                      8,360 pigeons             168 km
2. Chalons                   11,014 pigeons             389 km
2. Dizy le Gros             23,938 pigeons            334 km
9. Marche                      3,657 pigeons             232 km
4. Morlincourt                1,491 pigeons             377 km
‘Amber’ is bred daughter Silverdream Junior"Silverdream Junior" X Semarian"Semarian"



"Amber" won a.o.
3. Nat. Ace Middle Distance NPO/WHZB 2024
6. Nat. Ace Yearlings World Best Pigeon 2024
8. Nat. Ace Speed World Best Pigeon FCI 2024
1. Tongeren 8,364 pigeons
  2. Provincial                          25,303 pigeons
2. Prov. Dizy le Gros 23,938 pigeons
2. Nat. Chalons  11,002 pigeons
4. Morlincourt 1,491 pigeons
11. Sourdun 5,271 pigeons
14. Prov. Marche 9,820 pigeons
14. Duffel 3,177 pigeons
44. Heusden-Zolder 3,001 pigeons
55. Dizy le Gros 3,779 pigeons
Raced at Eijerkamp-Paalman
Daughter 'Silver Dream Jr.' X 'Semerian'

Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp
Cortenoeverseweg 82
6971 JK Brummen (NL)
Tel: +31 575 538555

9. World Best Pigeon FCI; NL23-9582123 ‘Ariana’
‘Ariana’, NL23-9582123NL23-9582123became 9. National Ace World Best Pigeon with following results at Lotte Eijerkamp
2. Tienen                    3,654 pigeons             166 km
2. Chimay                   2,457 pigeons             262 km
3. Chimay                   2,828 pigeons             262 km
1. Laon                        581 pigeons                332 km
10. Duffel                    13,910 pigeons           164 km
‘Ariana’ is bred at Andre and Bert Leideman



'Ariana' won in 2024 a.o.
4. Nat. Ace pigeon Short-distance PIPA 2024
9. Nat. Ace Speed World Best Pigeon FCI 2024
1. Chimay 1,123 pigeons
2. Tienen 3,654 pigeons
3. Chimay 2,828 pigeons
3. Laon 1,388 pigeons
10. Prov. Duffel 14,038 pigeons
12. Bierges                                 2,490 pigeons
15. Bierges 3,597 pigeons
25. Chimay 1,902 pigeons
64. Provincial Morlincourt 7,584 pigeons

Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp
Cortenoeverseweg 82
6971 JK Brummen (NL)
Tel: +31 575 538555