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Our latest news

  • Henry, 3rd best Long distance bird of the Netherlands Fondspiegel 2005-2009

    Henry, 3rd best Long distance bird of the Netherlands Fondspiegel 2005-2009

    In the final results of the Ace pigeons in the prestigious Fondspiegel the name Hans Eijerkamp and Sons again shown up at the 3rd place with their topbird NL04-1560565, also named "Henry". The last years the Eijerkamp name never dropped within the long distance as they are seen on regular base within the Top 10 National. Who doesn’t know "Drogba" who was 1st National Ace pigeon in the long distance WHZB in 2006.

  • Top season at the one-day distance 2009

    Top season at the one-day distance 2009

    Each fancier has a certain goal to achieve with his birds at the beginning of each season. When it is not possible to win a first national, so than all fanciers aiming for a Top 10 National result, or in the Netherlands a Videotext position as direct after each race the Top 10 National will presented in the this media attribute.

  • New references added.

    New references added.

    This year again, there were lots of fanciers all over the World that performed excellent with descendants bred from top pigeons of Hans Eijerkamp and Sons. Lots of fanciers have sent these performances and we are amazed as to the enormous impact our pigeons have on many lofts all over the world.

  • Bill winning the bronze medal on the National Derby of the young birds.

    Bill winning the bronze medal on the National Derby of the young birds.

    In Sector III, from Amalgamation 8 and 9, in total 12,999 birds were sent of to Mantes de Jolie in which the birds were released at 08.00 hrs. The NL09-1832725 “Bill” was clocked at 13.26.55 at the lofts of Hans Eijerkamp and Sons. With this, “Bill” managed to concur the distance of nearly 468 K with an average speed of 1430,967 m.p.m. And with this speed he took the bronze medal back to Brummen. “Bill” is a blue cock bred from a grandson “Gertje” (Heremans-Ceusters) x “Prima Hertog”, a great Eijerkamp-Janssen hen who was bred from “Hertog” x “Prima Vera”.

  • Another top National NPO top result on the young bird race from Peronne.

    Another top National NPO top result on the young bird race from Peronne.

    The NL09-1833462, arrived at 15.35.29 hrs at the Lotte Eijerkamp racing lofts, after succeeding the race Peronne - Brummen ( 332 km) with a velocity of 1143 meter per minute. She was bred from a son of the "Olympiade" (Heremans - Ceusters) and "Swarovsky" a daughter of the famous "Tips" (C. and G. Koopman) x halfsister "Miss Saigon" (Eijerkamp - Janssen).

  • Naomi, daughter Drogba wins 3rd National Bordeaux

    Naomi, daughter Drogba wins 3rd National Bordeaux

    Naomi, daughter Drogba wins 3rd National Bordeaux At the last National long-distance race with afternoon release in this season, ‘Naomi’ wins 3rd National Bordeaux Section III against 8,043 birds. At a distance of 943 km she was clocked at 8.15 hrs in the morning. Again with this result, Hans Eijerkamp and Sons proof to be one of the best All-round lofts in the Netherlands. So far in this season, the long-distance was not going as it was scheduled. In the beginning of the season the thoughts were to play this year in the widowhood system and/or the natural season. At the start one section was raced in the widowhood system while the other loft was raced in the natural system at only the National long distance races with afternoon releases. Up to last week Hans and Evert-Jan were not satisfied with the results achieved however at Bergerac, were they started with 94th National, 14 prizes were achieved by the 20 cocks entered for this race. But now at the National Bordeaux this 3rd National won by ‘Naomi’ turns out to be the highlight of this season at the marathon races. The Apple does not fall far of the tree as ‘Naomi’ is a direct daughter to the famous ‘Drogba’. The 'Drogba' is winner of; 1st National Ace pigeon Long-distance WHZB 2006 7th National Ace pigeon Long-distance BOTB 2007 7th Nat. NPO Perigueux (869 km) 6.985 birds 15th Nat. NPO Brive (848 km) 6.536 birds 25th Nat. Bergerac (910 km) 17.507 birds 46th Nat. NPO Perigueux (869 km) 6.843 birds 60th Nat. Bergerac (910 km) 15.517 birds After his successful career he was put for stock in 2008 and now you see already the class of this champion as his daughter ‘Naomi’ wins now 3rd National Bordeaux. The mother to ‘Naomi’ also is a superb hen. She is ‘Hebberecht’ and is a daughter of the famous ‘Axl’, 1st National Ace pigeon Long-distance KBDB in 2005. This crack won at the Hebberecht lofts a.o. 24th Nat Barcelona '05 against 13.066 birds 51st Nat Perpignan '05 against 7.611 birds 52nd Nat Perpignan '06 against 4.086 birds

  • Lotte Eijerkamp, 1st National NPO Bourges

    Lotte Eijerkamp, 1st National NPO Bourges

    For the last couple of weeks the colony of Team Eijerkamp has achieved remarkable results which made more or less all the ‘headlines’ in the pigeon media. Not surprising when you can pocket 4 times within the Top 10 National NPO on the 4 One-day distance races entered. Now they clocked the fastest pigeon of the entire convoy of participating pigeons at the loft of Lotte Eijerkamp from the National Bourges race.

  • Lotte Eijerkamp wins 2nd National NPO Orleans against 15.468 birds

    Lotte Eijerkamp wins 2nd National NPO Orleans against 15.468 birds

    The first one-day distance race of this season certainly was not one of the most easiest races. The weather forecast showed a easterly wind, and so far this season the birds not yet concurred this type of wind as the last 2 weeks only a south-west wind blown. So as well for Team Eijerkamp as for the birds a new challenge. Team Eijerkamp basketed 85 pigeons for Orleans (556 km) being 25 at the lofts of Hans Eijerkamp and Sons and 60 in the loft at Lotte Eijerkamp.

  • Again National top position at the Eijerkamp lofts

    Again National top position at the Eijerkamp lofts

    The second National NPO One-day race from Chateaudun (564 km) was postponed from Saturday to Monday due to the bad weather. The release of the birds done now at Monday morning 6.45 hrs. Due to the two nights extra

  • Superb opening in the 2009 season at the Eijerkamp racing lofts

    Superb opening in the 2009 season at the Eijerkamp racing lofts

    The expectations in the beginning of this season were high, especially after the great results achieved in the past years. For yourself you need to ask, can it still be done better?? On the first race of this season from Geel the birds showed already their quality as “Connor”, a son of “Caribbean Bond” x “Olympic Queen” won 2nd prize against 2,228 birds in the federation Zutphen. Although the race went well, things were settled in the week after in the second race from Duffel.

  • National top pigeon

    National top pigeon

    Whenever a pigeon is bought, it needs to be fit in the present colony. With “Messi” it was real policy to buy as well himself as his father “Mister 48” at the total auction of Anne van Meerkerk and Jelger Klinkenberg.

  • 'Finette', 2nd Dutch Olympiad pigeon Dortmund Olympiad 2009

    'Finette', 2nd Dutch Olympiad pigeon Dortmund Olympiad 2009