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1st Butzbach – 2,503 pigeons won by N. Stolorz – Recklinghausen bred from grandson Nieuwe Olympiade

1st Butzbach – 2,503 pigeons won by N. Stolorz – Recklinghausen bred from grandson Nieuwe Olympiade

Norbert Stolorz from Recklinghausen (Germany) already had the 4. Ace pigeon in the Polish OLR race Supergolab in 2020 with his pigeon "Super As 295". This pigeon was 50% Eijerkamp blood bred out of the NL19-1412409NL19-1412409, grandson for Abel"Abel" and Xenon"Xenon". But also in normal club competition Sportfriend Stolorz raced well this season with his youngsters for which here some of the performences in the Fluggemeinschaft Herne/Wanne 06.
1st Butzbach (162 km) 2,503 pigeons with offspring Nieuwe Olympiade"Nieuwe Olympiade"
The winning pigeon is DV02341-21-0083 bred from NL19-1412317NL19-1412317, grandson of the Nieuwe Olympiade"Nieuwe Olympiade". This pigeon was bred at the Greenfield Stud from a son of Golden Grizzle"Golden Grizzle", winning 9x 1st prize, when paired to a direct daughter of the legendary Nieuwe Olympiade"Nieuwe Olympiade".
Mother to the "83" is "National Lady" who already won. 1. National against 14,225 pigeons.
In the 3 races raced until now (27-08-"21), the "83" won 3 prize cards.

  • 1. Butzbach 2,503 pigeons 162 km
  • 5. Gelnhausen 2,469 pigeons 203 km
  • 105. Aßlar 2,458 pigeons 137 km

Nieuwe Olympiade


"Nieuwe Olympiade" is winner
2. Olympiad pigeon Cat F Poznan 2011
1. Quievrain                2,460 pigeons
2. Quievrain 2,790 pigeons
3. Quievrain 2,073 pigeons

'Nieuwe Olympiade' is (gr)grand- father
1. Nat. ACE Middle Distance Portugal in 2016
1. Open Tullamore 20,315 pigeons
1. Prov.  Chalons 20,306 pigeons
1. Nat. Fontenay           12,727 pigeons
1. NPO Tongeren 12,699 pigeons
1. Provincial Laon 11,179 pigeons
1. Prov. Laon 7,594 pigeons
1. Prov. Nanteuil 7,509 pigeons

Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp
Cortenoeverseweg 82
6971 JK Brummen (NL)
Tel: +31 575 538555

 2nd and 4th Butzbach with children for grandson Abel"Abel" and Xenon"Xenon"
Both pigeons bred from the NL19-1412409NL19-1412409, father 4. Ace pigeon OLR in 2020 but now paired to another hen from the "Kannibaal" lines of Dirk van Dijck.
DV2341-21-182 winning 3 prize cards out of 3 races

  • 2. Butzbach 2,503 pigeons 162 km
  • 265. Aßlar 2,458 pigeons 137 km
  • 328. Gelnhausen 2,469 pigeons 203 km

DV2341-21-134 winning 3 prize cards out of 3 races

  • 4. Butzbach 2,503 pigeons 162 km
  • 62. Gelnhausen 2,469 pigeons 203 km
  • 114. Aßlar 2,458 pigeons 137 km

The NL19-1412409NL19-1412409 "Isabel 409", is a pure Van Loon cock bred from "Brody", direct son of "Victor", winner 1. NPO Chateauroux, when paired to superhen Xenon"Xenon", 1. National Ace pigeon Long Distance De Fondspiegel 2018-2019. "Brody" was coupled to daughter of the famous Abel"Abel", another icon in the Eijerkamp lofts who was 3. Nat. Acepigeon Yearlings in 2004.



Son "Xenon" who is winner 3x TOP 10 NPO 
1. Nat Ace Long-Distance Fondspiegel 18-'19
1. Semi-Nat Ace pigeon N.U. 2018
1. S-Nat. Chateaudun     5,989 pigeons 565 km
6. Nat. Chateaudun 12,511 pigeons  
7. NPO Fay aus Loges   6,957 pigeons 549 km
8. NPO. Chateauroux 3,989 pigeons 670 km

'Brody' is grandfather
4. Ace pigeon Supergolab OLR in 2020

Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp
Cortenoeverseweg 82
6971 JK Brummen (NL)
Tel: +31 575 538555

 Norbert also won 22. Butzbach against 2,503 pigeons with DV02341-21-143, bred out of the NL20-1249494NL20-1249494 who is granddaughter of the Olympic Lucky"Olympic Lucky". Also the "143" now won 3 prize cards in the 3 races flown.

A very good result in the federation winning 1-2-3-4-6-8-9-10 etc against 1,277 pigeons.

The "Super As 295" won in the Hot Spot races

  • 14. Luckau 120 KM 8 seconds behind the winner
  • 18. Dahme 150 KM 6 seconds behind the winner
  • 36. Dessau 230 KM 12 seconds behind the winner
  • 82. Helmstedt 320 KM 90 seconds behind the winner
  • 97. Hanover 400 KM Final race

The father of the "Super As 295" is a direct Eijerkamp pigeon NL19-1412409NL19-1412409 "Isabel 409", a Van Loon cock who is bred from "Brody", direct son of "Victor", winner 1.NPO Chateauroux, when paired to superhen Xenon"Xenon", 1. National Ace pigeon Long Distance De Fondspiegel 2018-2019. "Brody" was coupled to daughter of the famous Abel"Abel", another icon in the Eijerkamp lofts who was 3. Nat. Acepigeon Yearlings in 2004.
The mother of the "Super As 295" has been bred by the own base lines of Stolorz.
Xenon"Xenon" is a true superstar in racing by winning;

[[ResultsBlock Xenon]]

"Xenon" is winner of the following prizes:
  • 1. Chateaudun against 5,989 pigeons
  • 7. Fay aux Loges against 6,957 pigeons
  • 8. Chateauroux Parc. against 3,989 pigeons
  • Show more prizes »
  • 17. Tienen against 3,918 pigeons
  • 23. NPO Chateauroux Parc. against 3,794 pigeons
  • 25. Bourges against 6,750 pigeons
  • 50. Quievrain against 1,954 pigeons
  • 52. Issoudun ZAC against 5,595 pigeons
  • 53. Niergnies against 1,892 pigeons
  • 60. Pithiviers against 743 pigeons
  • 62. Gien against 5,615 pigeons
  • 67. Chateaudun against 301 pigeons
  • 68. Chimay against 4,330 pigeons
  • 79. Tienen against 5,539 pigeons
  • 87. Châlons-en-Champagne against 9,123 pigeons
  • 95. Chateaudun against 655 pigeons
"Xenon" is winner of the following titles:
  • 1. Semi_National NU One-Day Distance
  • 1. Nat Acepigeon Fondspiegel 2018-2019 One-Day Distance
Descendants to "Xenon" are winner of the following prizes:
  • 1. NPO Vierzon against 3,993 pigeons
  • 1. Châlons-en-Champagne against 2,280 pigeons
  • 2. Butzbach against 2,503 pigeons
  • Show more prizes »
  • 4. Butzbach against 2,503 pigeons
  • 5. Issoudun ZAC against 3,779 pigeons
  • 6. Dizy le Gros against 19,066 pigeons
  • 6. Mettet against 12,148 pigeons
  • 6. Issoudun ZAC against 1,826 pigeons
  • 7. Gien against 2,601 pigeons
  • 8. Melun Andrezel against 8,757 pigeons
  • 11. Quievrain against 13,403 pigeons
  • 13. Châlons-en-Champagne against 14,539 pigeons
  • 14. Heusden-Zolder (spw) against 3,001 pigeons
  • 16. Chateaudun against 5,171 pigeons
  • 17. Chateauroux Parc. against 2,985 pigeons
  • 20. Tienen against 5,780 pigeons
  • 21. Issoudun ZAC against 3,505 pigeons
  • 23. Chimay against 3,540 pigeons
  • 23. Chateauroux Parc. against 667 pigeons
  • 24. Dizy le Gros against 7,155 pigeons
  • 26. Laon (Besny) against 11,179 pigeons
  • 26. Gien against 1,348 pigeons
  • 27. Quievrain against 2,580 pigeons
  • 28. La Ferte Saint Aubin against 6,865 pigeons
  • 28. Heusden-Zolder (spw) against 3,001 pigeons
  • 29. Tongeren against 25,303 pigeons
  • 33. Salbris against 4,671 pigeons
  • 34. Chimay against 3,387 pigeons
  • 35. Nanteuil against 325 pigeons
  • 36. Issoudun ZAC against 1,112 pigeons
  • 37. Gray against 3,738 pigeons
  • 37. Nanteuil against 3,659 pigeons
  • 38. Bierges against 4,925 pigeons
  • 41. Chateaudun against 5,171 pigeons
  • 41. Sens against 892 pigeons
  • 42. Bierges against 6,198 pigeons
  • 42. Sermaises against 1,025 pigeons
  • 47. Laon (Besny) against 1,388 pigeons
  • 49. Dizy le Gros against 2,635 pigeons
  • 50. Laon (Besny) against 11,179 pigeons
  • 50. Nanteuil-le- Haudoui against 1,204 pigeons
  • 51. Dizy le Gros against 8,293 pigeons
  • 51. Sens against 1,915 pigeons
  • 52. Issoudun ZAC against 1,580 pigeons
  • 53. Vierzon against 3,142 pigeons
  • 54. Dizy le Gros against 3,085 pigeons
  • 55. Nanteuil-le- Haudoui against 3,629 pigeons
  • 56. Dizy le Gros against 5,937 pigeons
  • 57. Morlincourt against 4,975 pigeons
  • 58. Bierges against 5,008 pigeons

Again a proof oft he very great skills for the Van Loon pigeons who perform everywhere over the world in clubracing but also in the OLR races.