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Our latest news

  • 11. Best Pigeon in Dubai OLR  Final against 972 pigeons by Ahmed and Omar Al Hamli with 100% Eijerkamp pigeon

    11. Best Pigeon in Dubai OLR Final against 972 pigeons by Ahmed and Omar Al Hamli with 100% Eijerkamp pigeon

    We received a very exciting phone call from our friends Ahmed and Omar Al Hamli from Dubai. They have been friends with the Eijerkamp family for over 25 years.

  • 3. Semi Final AS Golden Pigeon Race Season Winter 2023-2024 - 325km against 607 pigeons

    3. Semi Final AS Golden Pigeon Race Season Winter 2023-2024 - 325km against 607 pigeons Inbred Nieuwe Olympiade

    During the winter period, our pigeons consistently deliver outstanding performances. In the AS Golden Pigeon Race Season Winter 2023-2024 Semi Final, covering a distance of 325 km against 607 pigeons, the NL23-9101364 secured the 3rd place, just 10 seconds behind the winner.

  • <b>Super result</b> Pattaya OLR: 30. Final against 5,854 pigeons

    Super result Pattaya OLR: 30. Final against 5,854 pigeons also 10th Ace Pigeon and 9th small team

    Over the past weekend, the final race of the Pattaya One Loft Race, also known as the Pattaya Grand Prix, took place. This race, with a large participation, is one of our favourite One Loft races, and we always have high expectations for the results.

  • <b>Exciting Finish to Africa Pro 600 km Finale;</b> Hans and Evert-Jan Eijerkamp secure 3. Finale and claim the 7. Black Jacket Overall Winner

    Exciting Finish to Africa Pro 600 km Finale; Hans and Evert-Jan Eijerkamp secure 3. Finale and claim the 7. Black Jacket Overall Winner

    The second edition of the Africa Pro witnessed a thrilling climax as our pigeons performed exceptionally well throughout the competition. In the 600 km final race,

  • Eijerkamp pigeons also excel at the Derby Zagreb

    Eijerkamp pigeons also excel at the Derby Zagreb

    Hans and Evert Jan Eijerkamp have been participants in the Derby Zagreb for a long time, and not without success. Top results have been achieved multiple times, and they participated in the Derby again this year.

  • Simon Wolf (Switzerland) wins the Super Final at Talent Quatro with a 50% Eijerkamp pigeon.

    Simon Wolf (Switzerland) wins the Super Final at Talent Quatro with a 50% Eijerkamp pigeon.

    Simon Wolf is no stranger to One Loft races, and we can say that he is a true specialist. There are races in which we participate under the name Team Eijerkamp/Wolf. Simon also entered pigeons in the Talent Quatro race in the Czech Republic and managed to win the Super final there.

  • Eijerkamp pigeons are gaining momentum in the Africa Pro OLR.

    Eijerkamp pigeons are gaining momentum in the Africa Pro OLR.

    One Loft races are becoming increasingly popular among pigeon fanciers, and races are being organized all over the world. The Million Dollar Pigeon Race used to be the leading event for years, and in 2013, a 100% Eijerkamp pigeon NL12-1231153 "Untamed Desert" won the race.

  • Fancier of the Week winner Race 7 - Afrika Pro

    Fancier of the Week winner Race 7 - Afrika Pro

    We are happy to be the Fancier of the week winner in Race 7 (240 km) against 1,424 pigeons winning 6. and 20. Position at the Afrika Pro race in South Africa.

  • Congratulations to Ashley Burdett from Mansfield (UK) for winning the 12th prize in Hot Spot 1 of the Pride of Potteries OLR (One Loft Race) with a 100% Eijerkamp pigeon

    Congratulations to Ashley Burdett from Mansfield (UK) for winning the 12th prize in Hot Spot 1 of the Pride of Potteries OLR (One Loft Race) with a 100% Eijerkamp pigeon

    Ashley Burdett took the initiative in early 2022 and approached Henk Jurriens. Ashley had seen a large number of Heremans-Ceusters pigeons in the webshop of Hans and Evert-Jan Eijerkamp, and he wanted to add all of them to his newly established breeding loft.

  • Dr. Yasser Ismael from Cairo bred the 5. Ace Pigeon in the 2023 edition of Derby Aal Nagib bred from two direct Eijerkamp pigeons

    Dr. Yasser Ismael from Cairo bred the 5. Ace Pigeon in the 2023 edition of Derby Aal Nagib bred from two direct Eijerkamp pigeons

    Dr. Yasser Ismael from Cairo is one of the top players in the 2023 edition of Derby Aal Nagib in Egypt. In this highly competitive and challenging One Loft Race, the pigeons had to contend with the conditions,

  • Eijerkamp pigeons are performing very well in the Pyramids International OLR and Derby Aal Nagib in Egypt

    Eijerkamp pigeons are performing very well in the Pyramids International OLR and Derby Aal Nagib in Egypt

    Egypt has two very large One Loft Races in which we have both participated successfully, as well as descendants from our pigeons that have performed very well.

  • Thailand Masters 2022/2023; 3 Eijerkamp descendants in the Top 10 Grand Average Ace Pigeons

    Thailand Masters 2022/2023; 3 Eijerkamp descendants in the Top 10 Grand Average Ace Pigeons

    We previously posted an article about the successes of Eijerkamp descendants in the Thailand Masters, but now at the end of this edition, we have compiled the results and see that 3 Eijerkamp descendants are in the Grand Average Top 10 Racing Pigeons in this edition.