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Our latest news

  • 1st South African Million Dollar Race

    1st South African Million Dollar Race

    Mike Ganus won the 1st prize in the South African Million Dollar Race (525 km) 2016. The grandmother of this pigeon is “Untamed Desert” NL12-1231153, winner of the Million Dollar Race in 2013 (550 km) against 2,793 pigeons and bred out of “Achilles” x “Schouderduif”.

  • 1st South African Million Dollar Pigeon Race 2013

    1st South African Million Dollar Pigeon Race 2013

    A pigeon "Untamed Desert" bred in the lofts of Eijerkamp (12-1231153) won the most prestigious one loft race in the world in 2013.

  • Silver Shadow


    "Silver Shadow" is winner of the following prizes:
    1. Etampes - 6,337 pigeons
    1. Peronne - 2,646 pigeons
    1. Etampes - 918 pigeons
    2. Sens - 2,305 pigeons
    2. Pont St. Maxence - 1,298 pigeons

    Descendants to "Silver Shadow" won a.o.
    1. Hemau - 52,688 pigeons
    1. Maaseik - 39,438 pigeons
    1. Rethel - 18,919 pigeons
    1. Zutphen - 14,490 pigeons
    1. Nat. Bourges - 10,040 pigeons
    1. Houdeng - 8,498 pigeons
    1. NPO Salbris - 7,180 pigeons


    Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp
    Cortenoeverseweg 82
    6971 JK Brummen (NL)
    Tel: +31 575 538555


    1. Taree Invitational 5000 twice

    Jarvis won the "Taree Invitational 5000"one loft race for the second time. In 2009 he won this race with his top hen TINV.08,9315 who is an Eijerkamp-van Loon / Jan Aarden. The father of this hen is AUST.05.2317 bred out of imported Jan Aarden Eijerkamp pigeons.