Click a pigeon with red bandnumber to go deeper into the pedigree
Vader Ché
Son Tornado
Father of Ché:
1. Arras 9.641p
1.Nat. NPO Orleans
2006 14.285p
7.NPO Noord Orleans
2005 6.122p
9.Nat. NPO Orleans 18.184p
9.Bourges 1.834p
Britt Moeder Ché
Daughter of Chicago and Miss
Mother of Ché:
1.Arras 9.641p
1.Nat. NPO Orleans 06 14.285p
7.NPO Noord Orleans05 6.122p
9.Nat. NPO Orleans 18.184p
9.Bourges 1.834p
Also mother of:
7.Chantilly 2.352p
10.Harchies 5.807p
27.Lommel 10.741p
41.Boxtel 2.644p
50.Boxtel 2.644p
60.Nat. NPO Orleans 14.285p
1.Nat. ACE L.D. WHZB in 2009
1.Blois 37.728p
1.Chateauroux 22.340p
3.Chateauroux 21.520p
6.Morlincourt 4.418p
15.Strombeek 4.358p
21.Chateauroux 5.496p
23.Epehy 3.709p
30.Nanteuil 3.249p
50.Mantes 4.182p
91.Salbris 7.599p
91.Epehy 3.475p
210.Blois 5.186p
306.Salbris 5.989p
Halfzus Harry
Halfsister of Harry
Daughter of Dirkje
which was paired
with the halfbrother
of Harry
De Tornado
Winner 9 x 1. Prize
Father of:
1.Nat.München 2001
against 2.874p
1. Roosendaal 2.906p
2. Minderhout 2.637p
4. Ghislain 3.412p
5. Kapellen 6.988p
9. Ghislain 5.244p
9. Chantilly 3.051p
Daughter Tornado won
1.Tessenderlo 8.287p
Grandchildren won:
1.Nat.NPO Orleans'06
against 14.285p
1.Arras 9.641p
1.Strephy Th 3.062p
1.Chantilly 1.603p
- Winner 9 x 1. Prize
Father of:
1.Nat.München 2001
against 2.874p
1. Roosendaal 2.906p
2. Minderhout 2.637p
4. Ghislain 3.412p
5. Kapellen 6.988p
9. Ghislain 5.244p
9. Chantilly 3.051p
Daughter Tornado won
1.Tessenderlo 8.287p
Grandchildren won:
1.Nat.NPO Orleans'06
against 14.285p
1.Arras 9.641p
1.Strephy Th 3.062p
1.Chantilly 1.603p
Porsche 675
Daughter Rush Bond
x Porsche Bond
Granddaughter of
Goldrush 88 and
daughter James Bond
1. Chantilly 1.603p
1. Strepy Th 3.062p
3. Boxtel 2.929p
4. Hensies 4.101p
6. Peronne 2.124p
7. Niergnies 3.205p
8. Lommel 3.877p
- Daughter Rush Bond
x Porsche Bond
Granddaughter of
Goldrush 88 and
daughter James Bond
1. Chantilly 1.603p
1. Strepy Th 3.062p
3. Boxtel 2.929p
4. Hensies 4.101p
6. Peronne 2.124p
7. Niergnies 3.205p
8. Lommel 3.877p
Grandfather of Ché
Top breeding cock
Father of Goliath:
1.Ghislain 4.362p
Father of Gigi:
1.Houdeng 9.727p
Father of Abel:
3.Nat. Car Winner yearling
Father of Kain:
1.Peronne 5.535p
2.Strepy Th. 8.468p
5.Haasrode 7.848p
Grandfather of 1.Nat
München sector 3
Via Staf Theeuwes
- Grandfather of Ché
Top breeding cock
Father of Goliath:
1.Ghislain 4.362p
Father of Gigi:
1.Houdeng 9.727p
Father of Abel:
3.Nat. Car Winner yearling
Father of Kain:
1.Peronne 5.535p
2.Strepy Th. 8.468p
5.Haasrode 7.848p
Grandfather of 1.Nat
München sector 3
Via Staf Theeuwes
Miss Saigon
Grandmother of Ché
Miss Saigon won:
2.Nat. ACE S.D. Nederland
WHZB 2000
2.Minderhout 16.639p
8.St Ghisl 11.275p
11.Minderh. 18.914p
31.Nijvel 13.845p
46.Minderh. 19.238p
55.Duffel 13.910p
90.St Quent 12.072p
Mother of Abel:
3.Nat. Car Winner yearling
Best of the Best 2004
Mother of Kain:
1.Peronne 5.535p
2.Strepy Th. 8.468p
5.Haasrode 7.848p
- Grandmother of Ché
Miss Saigon won:
2.Nat. ACE S.D. Nederland
WHZB 2000
2.Minderhout 16.639p
8.St Ghisl 11.275p
11.Minderh. 18.914p
31.Nijvel 13.845p
46.Minderh. 19.238p
55.Duffel 13.910p
90.St Quent 12.072p
Mother of Abel:
3.Nat. Car Winner yearling
Best of the Best 2004
Mother of Kain:
1.Peronne 5.535p
2.Strepy Th. 8.468p
5.Haasrode 7.848p
Jonge Bliksem
Son Bliksem Father of Harry:
1.Blois 37.728p
1.Chateaur 22.340p
2.Salbris 7.573p
2.Blois 4.829p
3.Blois 5.653p
3.Chateaur 21.520p
5.Chateaur 5.979p
6.Offenbugr 7.151p
6.Morlincour 4.418p
- Son Bliksem Father of Harry:
1.Blois 37.728p
1.Chateaur 22.340p
2.Salbris 7.573p
2.Blois 4.829p
3.Blois 5.653p
3.Chateaur 21.520p
5.Chateaur 5.979p
6.Offenbugr 7.151p
6.Morlincour 4.418p
Daughter Kleine Dirk
Mother of Harry:
1.Blois 37.728p
1.Chateaur 22.340p
2.Salbris 7.573p
2.Blois 4.829p
3.Blois 5.653p
3.Chateaur 21.520p
5.Chateaur 5.979p
6.Offenbugr 7.151p
6.Morlincour 4.418p
- Daughter Kleine Dirk
Mother of Harry:
1.Blois 37.728p
1.Chateaur 22.340p
2.Salbris 7.573p
2.Blois 4.829p
3.Blois 5.653p
3.Chateaur 21.520p
5.Chateaur 5.979p
6.Offenbugr 7.151p
6.Morlincour 4.418p
Kleine 063
Halfbrother Harry
49.Nat. Blois
against 7.606p
Father of Kleine Jo:
7.Nat.Orleans 8.200p
Father of Super Jo
- Halfbrother Harry
49.Nat. Blois
against 7.606p
Father of Kleine Jo:
7.Nat.Orleans 8.200p
Father of Super Jo
Daughter Kleine Dirk
Mother of Harry:
1.Blois 37.728p
- Daughter Kleine Dirk
Mother of Harry:
1.Blois 37.728p