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Mission Impossible
Blue White Flight
1.Nat. ACE L.D. WHZB
2.Nat. ACE S.D. WHZB
3.ACE S.D. WEN Cup
Dortmund 2006.
1.Nat. ACE S.D. NPO
1.Moeskroen 8.519p
3.Pont St. 17.884p
5.Peronne 23.218p
10.Chant. 10.057p
6.Peronne 4.455p
De Teen
Blue Bar
Foundation cock at
the loft from
R. v.d. Wal
4 x 1e prijs
Blue White Flight
Winner of
4 x 1st prize
Foundation hen at
the loft from
R. v.d. Wal
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