Click a pigeon with red bandnumber to go deeper into the pedigree
W. Roeper
Son 'Olympic 16'
Olympiade bird, Nitra 2013
and winner of 3x 1st prize
1/3684p 226km
1/2808p 156km
1/1791p 240km

Torsten is father to
1.Asse Zell 11.343p
1.Gien 4.911p
1.Rethel 4.692p
6.Laon 6.371p
Olympic 16
W. Roeper
Dark Chequer
Olympic 16 is winner of
7. Nat Ace cock Germany 2012
2. Olympiad bird Germany 2013
1. / 3.684 pigeons 226km
1. / 2.808 pigeons 156km
1. / 1.791 pigeons 240km
2. / 4.012 pigeons 326km
2. / 3.756 pigeons 416km
3. / 2.127 pigeons 602km
4. / 5.183 pigeons 416km
W. Roeper
Blue Bar
Daughter 'Big Boss'
1. Nat. ace cock Germany 2012
Big Boss won a.o. 3x 1. prize
1/3159p 429km
1/2127p 602km
1/1874p 313km
2/1237p 313km
6/3587p 154km
7/4168p 544km

Father olympiad 16

via Dirk de Beer
Late von Gust
Gust Jansen
Blue Bar
Grdaughter Olympiade
003 (Leo Heremans)
Big Boss
W. Roeper
Blue Bar
1. Nat ace cock
Germany 2012
1/3159p 429km
1/2127p 602km
1/1874p 313km
2/1237p 313km
6/3587p 154km
7/4168p 544km

W. Roeper
Blue Bar
Daughter B 08-233
2009 13/12
Der 0233
Leo Heremans
Blue Bar
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