Click a pigeon with red bandnumber to go deeper into the pedigree
Jonge Bliksem
Son Bliksem Father of Harry:
1.Blois 37.728p
1.Chateaur 22.340p
2.Salbris 7.573p
2.Blois 4.829p
3.Blois 5.653p
3.Chateaur 21.520p
5.Chateaur 5.979p
6.Offenbugr 7.151p
6.Morlincour 4.418p
- Son Bliksem Father of Harry:
1.Blois 37.728p
1.Chateaur 22.340p
2.Salbris 7.573p
2.Blois 4.829p
3.Blois 5.653p
3.Chateaur 21.520p
5.Chateaur 5.979p
6.Offenbugr 7.151p
6.Morlincour 4.418p
Daughter Kleine Dirk
Mother of Harry:
1.Blois 37.728p
1.Chateaur 22.340p
2.Salbris 7.573p
2.Blois 4.829p
3.Blois 5.653p
3.Chateaur 21.520p
5.Chateaur 5.979p
6.Offenbugr 7.151p
6.Morlincour 4.418p
- Daughter Kleine Dirk
Mother of Harry:
1.Blois 37.728p
1.Chateaur 22.340p
2.Salbris 7.573p
2.Blois 4.829p
3.Blois 5.653p
3.Chateaur 21.520p
5.Chateaur 5.979p
6.Offenbugr 7.151p
6.Morlincour 4.418p
Great breeder and
Father of Tips
Son of Kleine Dirk
Grandfather of
Farah Diba:
1.Nat. ACE L.D. NPO
WHZB 2003
- Great breeder and
Father of Tips
Son of Kleine Dirk
Grandfather of
Farah Diba:
1.Nat. ACE L.D. NPO
WHZB 2003
Farah Diba
= Farah Diba van 02
1e Nat Asduif NPO '03 Eendaagse fond
1e Chateauroux 3894d
- = Farah Diba van 02
1e Nat Asduif NPO '03 Eendaagse fond
1e Chateauroux 3894d