Click a pigeon with red bandnumber to go deeper into the pedigree
Perfect 17
Father 'Ace 820'
4. Nat. ace pigeon WHZB
Middle distance '18
1. Interprov. Ace 2018
Allround & Middle Distance
1.Weert 5.552p
3.Quievrain 10.570p
3.Laon 6.371p
6.Rethel 7.115p
2.Boxtel 1.961p
Silver Dream
Superbreedinghen, mother to:
Floyd, 1/11.474p
Jet 1/11.343p
1/ 7.768p
1/ 4.692p
Ace 820 1/ 5.552p
Silverdream is grandmother
Sigrid 1/10.739p
Rachel 1/11.059p
Justify 1/10.570p
Enzo 1/10.314p
Charlene 1/ 3.892p
Very good racer and winner of
3. Quievrain 174p
7. Quievrain 1,076p
Father to 'Goed Grijs'
Superbreedster + winner 7x 1.
1.NPO Laon 6.371p
1.Duffel 5.821p
1.Heusden-Z. 2.775p
1.Laon 1.052p
1.Wychen 786p
1.Heusden-Z. 656p
1.Hapert 231p
Goed Grijs
Superbreedster + winner 7x 1.
1.NPO Laon 6.371p
1.Duffel 5.821p
1.Heusden-Z. 2.775p
2.fastest 11.336p
1.Laon 1.052p
1.Wychen 786p
2.fastest 3.617p
1.Heusden-Z. 656p
2.fastest 5.927p
1.Hapert 231p
Raced: Gebr Leideman
Lichte Dirk
Father '800'
1. Orleans 4.970p
2.Ablis 7.889p
Grandfather to Hero
1.Nat. Chateauroux 16.347p
- Father '800'
1. Orleans 4.970p
2.Ablis 7.889p
Grandfather to Hero
1.Nat. Chateauroux 16.347p
Super 02
1. Prov ace pigeon 2004
middle distance youngbirds
10.Sourdun 11.475p
7.Orleans 2.998p
3.Hemsies 748p
55.Morlincourt 8.415p
31.Etampes 4.490p
- 1. Prov ace pigeon 2004
middle distance youngbirds
10.Sourdun 11.475p
7.Orleans 2.998p
3.Hemsies 748p
55.Morlincourt 8.415p
31.Etampes 4.490p
Blue Dream
1. National Ace
Pigeon Sprint KBDB
winner 10x 1st !!!
1.Quiévrain 1.041p
1.Quiévrain 707p
1.Quiévrain 899p
1.Quiévrain 457p
1.Quiévrain 411p
1.Quiévrain 370p
1.Quiévrain 277p
1.Quiévrain 195p
1.Quiévrain 129p
1.Quiévrain 122p
- 1. National Ace
Pigeon Sprint KBDB
winner 10x 1st !!!
1.Quiévrain 1.041p
1.Quiévrain 707p
1.Quiévrain 899p
1.Quiévrain 457p
1.Quiévrain 411p
1.Quiévrain 370p
1.Quiévrain 277p
1.Quiévrain 195p
1.Quiévrain 129p
1.Quiévrain 122p
Daughter Kleine Dirk
1.Nat. Ace pigeon in 1999
1.NPO Troyes 17.833p
1.NPO Bourges 7.155p
1.Maaseik 3.522p
2.Lommel 3.612p
3.Hasselt 2.668p
4.Boxtel 10.093p
6.Chimay 16.306p
- Daughter Kleine Dirk
1.Nat. Ace pigeon in 1999
1.NPO Troyes 17.833p
1.NPO Bourges 7.155p
1.Maaseik 3.522p
2.Lommel 3.612p
3.Hasselt 2.668p
4.Boxtel 10.093p
6.Chimay 16.306p
NR 1 Stockbird
Superbreeder won himself
nr. 1 stockbird,
Gebr. van den Brande
- Superbreeder won himself
nr. 1 stockbird,
Gebr. van den Brande
Grandmother Cruyff
She won herself ao:
Grandmother 'Çruyff'
Gebr. van den Brande
'Jacky3'ao father:
- She won herself ao:
Grandmother 'Çruyff'
Gebr. van den Brande
'Jacky3'ao father:
Very good racer and winner of
3. Quievrain 174p
7. Quievrain 1,076p
Father to 'Goed Grijs'
Superbreedster + winner 7x 1.
1.NPO Laon 6.371p
1.Duffel 5.821p
1.Heusden-Z. 2.775p
1.Laon 1.052p
1.Wychen 786p
1.Heusden-Z. 656p
1.Hapert 231p
- Very good racer and winner of
3. Quievrain 174p
7. Quievrain 1,076p
Father to 'Goed Grijs'
Superbreedster + winner 7x 1.
1.NPO Laon 6.371p
1.Duffel 5.821p
1.Heusden-Z. 2.775p
1.Laon 1.052p
1.Wychen 786p
1.Heusden-Z. 656p
1.Hapert 231p
Mother to ao:
"Goed Grijs"
- Mother to ao:
"Goed Grijs"