Click a pigeon with red bandnumber to go deeper into the pedigree
Olympic Hans
Olympic Hans is winner of
1. Olympiade Pigeon Brussels
Cat D Allround 2017
3.Nat. ACE WHZB Long Distance
1. NPO Chateauroux 3.120p
2. NPO Nanteuil 4.476p
9. NPO Bourges 3.815p
17.NPO Auxerre 5.518p
1.Mons 1.847p
1.Peronne 683p
Olympic Hans is (grand)father
2.Nat. Ace L.D. WHZB 2018
2.Nat. Ace Young NPO 2019
1.NPO Vierzon 3.993p
1.NPO Morlincourt 3.065p
1.Bierges 6.047p
1.Niergnies 2.781p
Queen Hurricane
Daughter Olympic Hurricane
Queen Hurricane is gr.mother
10.Nat. Ace pigeon PIPA
Youngsters in 2020
1. Ace pigeon overall 2022
Algarve Great Derby OLR
1. Ace pigeon Region Young
1. Bierges 6.047p
1. Soissons 6.004p
2. NPO Nanteuil 7.509p
2. Quievrain 1.095p
2. Niergnies 765p
4. Tienen 5.484p
4. Tienen 3.260p
5. Tienen 4.113p
9. Charlevilles 3.228p
12.NPO Orleans 4.032p
Viton is winner of
1.Deurne 4.299p
3.Weert 11.059p
3.Venlo 3.696p
7.Gennep 6.676p
Viton is father of
1.Nat. Ace Natour WHZB 2019
1.Prov. Ace Speed/Natour 2021
1.Prov. Ace Short dist. 2022
1.Quievrain 12.633p
1.Heusden-Zolder 7.320p
Viton is (grand)father to
1.Prov. Bierges 14.594p
1.Gennep 12.570p
1.Quievrain 12.177p
1.Marche 10.983p
1.Heusden-Zolder 7.293p
1.Prov. Dizt le Gros 7.155p
1.Soissons 6.004p
Daughter Goed Grijs
Daughter Goed Grijs is winner
1.Hannut 5.447p
1.Chimay 1.464p
8.Asse Zelik 4.712p
14.Isnes 8.525p
14.Rethel 3.828p
Topbreedster and mother to
1.Nat. Ace Natour WHZB 2019
1.Prov. Ace Speed/Natour 2021
1.Prov. Ace Short distance'22
1.Quievrain 12.177p
1.Heusden-Zolder 7.293p
She also is grandmother to
1.Bierges 14.594p
1.Gennep 12.570p
1.Marche 10.983p
1.Prov. Dizy le Gros 7.155p
1.Soissons 6.004p
1.Arlon 3.722p
1.Maaseik 3.484p
She also is grandmother to
19.Final Pattaya PIPR OLR'20
Olympiade Willem
Son of Olympic Hurricane,
3. Nat.Olympiade Pigeon Nitra
in 2013
Father Olympic Hans, winner
1. Olympiade Pigeon Brussels
Cat D Allround 2017
3.Nat. ACE WHZB Long Distance
1. NPO Chateauroux 3.120p
2. NPO Nanteuil 4.476p
9. NPO Bourges 3.815p
17.NPO Auxerre 5.518p
1.Mons 1.847p
1.Peronne 683p
- Son of Olympic Hurricane,
3. Nat.Olympiade Pigeon Nitra
in 2013
Father Olympic Hans, winner
1. Olympiade Pigeon Brussels
Cat D Allround 2017
3.Nat. ACE WHZB Long Distance
1. NPO Chateauroux 3.120p
2. NPO Nanteuil 4.476p
9. NPO Bourges 3.815p
17.NPO Auxerre 5.518p
1.Mons 1.847p
1.Peronne 683p
Moeder Olympic Hans
Mother Olympic Hans winner
1. Olympiade Pigeon Brussels
Cat D Allround 2017
3.Nat. ACE WHZB Long Distance
1. NPO Chateauroux 3.120p
2. NPO Nanteuil 4.476p
9. NPO Bourges 3.815p
17.NPO Auxerre 5.518p
1.Mons 1.847p
1.Peronne 683p
- Mother Olympic Hans winner
1. Olympiade Pigeon Brussels
Cat D Allround 2017
3.Nat. ACE WHZB Long Distance
1. NPO Chateauroux 3.120p
2. NPO Nanteuil 4.476p
9. NPO Bourges 3.815p
17.NPO Auxerre 5.518p
1.Mons 1.847p
1.Peronne 683p
Olympic Hurricane
3.Nat. Olympiade Pigeon
Yearlings Cat F in Poznan
2. Ablis 7.826p
1. Pommeroeul 2.753p
Olympic Hurricane (gr)father
1.Nat Olympiade pigeon
Allround Brussels 2017
1.Nat Olympiade pigeon
Young in Nitra 2013
2.NPO Argenton 7.796p
1.Nivelles 4.974p
1.Troyes 4.147p
1.Pont St Max 2.381p
1.Grimbe rgen 694p
1.Sezanne 1.705p
- 3.Nat. Olympiade Pigeon
Yearlings Cat F in Poznan
2. Ablis 7.826p
1. Pommeroeul 2.753p
Olympic Hurricane (gr)father
1.Nat Olympiade pigeon
Allround Brussels 2017
1.Nat Olympiade pigeon
Young in Nitra 2013
2.NPO Argenton 7.796p
1.Nivelles 4.974p
1.Troyes 4.147p
1.Pont St Max 2.381p
1.Grimbe rgen 694p
1.Sezanne 1.705p
1.Ace Young S.D.
14.Nat Ace Natour
22.Peronne 19.537p
73.Pommeroeu 29.889p
19.Mantes La 5.940p
28.Bourges 8.749p
18.Nivelles 5.053p
Marianne is mother:
2.Nat. Ace Yearlings Pipa
1.Pommerouel 4.092p
(1.of 8979p)
1.Nijvel 5.616p
(5th of 30250p)
18.Sens 16.965p
10.Vierzon 11.506p
13.Ace Fond NAt WHZB/TBOTB'15
2.ACE Young SS Gouwe IJssel
22.Yearling PIPA
3.Arras 4.405p
Grandmother to
3.Olympiade pigeon
Poznan 2019 Cat H
2.Olympiade pigeons
Poznan 2019 Cat H
- 1.Ace Young S.D.
14.Nat Ace Natour
22.Peronne 19.537p
73.Pommeroeu 29.889p
19.Mantes La 5.940p
28.Bourges 8.749p
18.Nivelles 5.053p
Marianne is mother:
2.Nat. Ace Yearlings Pipa
1.Pommerouel 4.092p
(1.of 8979p)
1.Nijvel 5.616p
(5th of 30250p)
18.Sens 16.965p
10.Vierzon 11.506p
13.Ace Fond NAt WHZB/TBOTB'15
2.ACE Young SS Gouwe IJssel
22.Yearling PIPA
3.Arras 4.405p
Grandmother to
3.Olympiade pigeon
Poznan 2019 Cat H
2.Olympiade pigeons
Poznan 2019 Cat H
Blue 677
Full brother Bor
2.Venlo 4.429p
6.Quievrain 10.570p
28.Rethel 9.673p
18.Hannut 5.447p
31.Isnes 8.525p
Full brother 15-119
3/11336 - 4/7115
Full brother 15-066
3/6403 - 6/9897
- Full brother Bor
2.Venlo 4.429p
6.Quievrain 10.570p
28.Rethel 9.673p
18.Hannut 5.447p
31.Isnes 8.525p
Full brother 15-119
3/11336 - 4/7115
Full brother 15-066
3/6403 - 6/9897
Jet is winner 3x 1st prize
1.Asse Zell 11.343p
1.Gien 7.768p
1.Rethel 4.692p
6.Laon 6.371p
10.Duffel 5.821p
Jet is mother Viton
1.Deurne 4.299p
3.Weert 11.059p
3.Venlo 3.696p
7.Gennep 6.676p
- Jet is winner 3x 1st prize
1.Asse Zell 11.343p
1.Gien 7.768p
1.Rethel 4.692p
6.Laon 6.371p
10.Duffel 5.821p
Jet is mother Viton
1.Deurne 4.299p
3.Weert 11.059p
3.Venlo 3.696p
7.Gennep 6.676p
One 0 5
One 0 5 is winner
2.Niergnies 9.897p
4.Tessender 10.314p
5.Asse Zellik 2.573p
13.Reims 4.913p
he is father to
1.Hannut 6.447p
1.Chimay 1.464p
1.Chimay 1.006p
- One 0 5 is winner
2.Niergnies 9.897p
4.Tessender 10.314p
5.Asse Zellik 2.573p
13.Reims 4.913p
he is father to
1.Hannut 6.447p
1.Chimay 1.464p
1.Chimay 1.006p
Goed Grijs
Superbreedster + winner 7x 1.
1.NPO Laon 6.371p
1.Duffel 5.821p
- Superbreedster + winner 7x 1.
1.NPO Laon 6.371p
1.Duffel 5.821p