Click a pigeon with red bandnumber to go deeper into the pedigree
H & E.J Eijerkamp
Smoky Chequer
R.A. Bakker & Zn
Dark Chequer Pied
H & E.J Eijerkamp
Blue Bar
Erin is winner of:
5.Nanteuil 2.211p
9.IntProv. Issoudun 1.726p
49.InterPr. Bourges 6.339p
50.Chateaudun 2.031p
70.Prov. Soissons 16.915p
81.IntProv. Vierzon 3.397p
94.NPO Bourges 2.242p

Half-sister Olympic Jozef,
1.Nat Ace bird Long Distance
WHZB / BotB 2020
1.Nat. Ace Middle Distance
De Allerbeste 2020
2.Olympiade pigeon Cat G
Yearlings Romania 2022
5.NPO Chateaudun 4.058p
7.NPO Fay aux Loges 5.735p
11.National 14.036p
12.Niergnies 6.400p
13.NPO Fay aux Loges 9.218p
Son Germiny
Dark Chequer
Son to Germiny x Adisa
Co bred with Gerard Koopman.

Germiny is 3x top 10 winner
NPO one day Long distance
races Winner NPO Blois.

Adisa is a great racing hen.
Won a.o.:
6.Asse Zellik 11474p
2.Blois 1048p
15.St.Quentin 5643p
34.Duffel 11200p
33.St.Quentin 7157p

Father to 1st price winner
La Ferte St Aubin against
4435p. Also to "068".
43rd price winner endrace OLR
Pattaya 2021.

R.A. Bakker & Zn

Granddaughter to Germiny and

Halfsister to a.o.:
4.Chalons e 740p
10.Lessines 757p
15.Pt.St.Max 6103p
47.Etroeungt 10939p
82.Roye 2225p

Mother to Germiny's Dream
2nd price winner NPO La Ferte
St Aubin against 4435p
Eijerkamp-van Loon
Blue Bar
Daughter of Fabiola
Halfsister of:
2.NPO Peronne 2007 9.830p
5.NPO Breuil 8.836p
8.NPO Peronne 14.253p
12.NPO Chateauroux 2.397p
17.NPO Orleans 2.351p
19.NPO Peronne 14.253p
R.A. Bakker & Zn
Dark Cheque
1.NPO Blois 2.310p
7.S-Nat Blois 5.967p
6.NPO Bourges 4.118p
2.NPO Bourges 4.814p
3.S-NatBourges 14.226p
15.NPO Issoudun 2.895p
18.S-Nat Issoud. 6.604p
16.Peronne 1.618p
Father to:
6/8605 p, 8/8755 p,
25/8755 p.
Brother to Gene, 5x
top 10 NPO races
C. en G. Koopman
Great Racing hen.
Won a.o.:
6.Asse Zellik 11474p
2.Blois 1048p
15.St. Quentin 5643p
34.Duffel 11200p
33.St.Quentin 7150p
Son Germiny
Dark Chequer
Son to Germiny x Adisa
Co bred with Gerard Koopman.

Germiny is 3x top 10 winner
NPO one day Long distance
races Winner NPO Blois.

Adisa is a great racing hen.
Won a.o.:
6.Asse Zellik 11474p
2.Blois 1048p
15.St.Quentin 5643p
34.Duffel 11200p
33.St.Quentin 7157p

Father to 1st price winner
La Ferte St Aubin against
4435p. Also to "068".
43rd price winner endrace OLR
Pattaya 2021.
Daughter Valitas
R.A. Bakker & Zn

Daughter VAlitas x 078.
Valitas is 4x top 10 racer
NPO races.
Grandfather to several
"078"is mother to "Germiny"3x
top ten
G. & S. Verkerk
Blue Bar
Tyson is winner of
1.Ace Short Distance Afd. 12
3.Strombeek 4.854p
6.Grimbergen 1.780p
7.NPO Argenton 7.796p
9.Duffel 4.212p
15.Peronne 1.527p

Tyson is father of
8. NPO Vierzon 3.865p
Olympic Solange
G. & S. Verkerk
1. Dutch Olympiade Pigeon
Allround 2009
1.Nat. Ace pigeon WHZB 2008
1.Nat. Ace pigeon NPO
Middle Distance in 2009
1.NPO Argenton 6.595p
2.Peronne 2.543p
3.Creil 3.761p
3.Creil 2.197p
Super breeding hen
Mooie Leo Star
Eijerkamp-van Loon
Blue Pied
Son of Don Leo (Grand)father
1.Nat.ACE S.D.Croatia in 2016
1.Final Race Black Sea One
Loft Race 505 km in 2016
8.NPO Peronne 14.253p
12.NPO Chateauroux 2.397p
17.NPO Orleans 2.351p
19.NPO Peronne 14.253p
38.NPO Bourges 2.975p
44.NPO Orleans 5.788p
Eijerkamp-van Loon
Blue Splash
Fabiola won:
6.Nat. Blois 6.220p
(Grand)mother of: