Click a pigeon with red bandnumber to go deeper into the pedigree
H & E.J Eijerkamp
R.A. Bakker & Zn
Dark Cheque
H & E.J Eijerkamp
Smoky Blue
Aberdeen is winner
2.Prov.Fay aux Loges 5.735p
4.National 14.036p
7.Niergnies 1.101p
12.NPO Chateaudun 5.264p
14.Tienen 1.908p
15.NPO Salbris 4.671p
76.Quievrain 6.209p
40.NPO Fay aux Loges 9.218p
81.Budel 4.373p
99.Morlincourt 4.288p
171.Prov. Niergnies 10.065p

23.Nat. Ace pigeon WHZB
Allround in 2020
15.S-Nat. Ace pigeon N.U.
One-day long distance 2020
Son Panamera
R.A. Bakker & Zn

Son to Panamera x Flirt.
Panamera was best pigeon
2012-13 nat.Fondspiegel long
Dist. League.
Won ao:
1.NU Blois 13.898p
3.Nat.Blois 25.597p
4.Breteuil 20.797p

Flirt is daughter to Gicara,
halfsister 2nd price NPO and
3rd Price NPO

Gicara is mother Goudband
won o.a.:
1.Boxtel 9.525p
4.Ablis 10.725p

Grandmother to Manu won 1st
price Sector 4.Bourges
against 5.877p and 1st
chateauroux 3.647p
Daughter Artus
R.A. Bakker & Zn

Sister "457" won ao:
1.Pt.St.Max 11844p
2.Salbris 5780p
18.Duffel 7272p

Brother "458" won ao:
1.Pt.St.Max 6103p
2.Roye 6987p
6.Lessines 757p
35.Roye 2225p
34.Chalons e 740p

Halfbrother "385"won ao:
5.Nanteuil 942p
32.Issoudun 14086p
75.Vierzon C 11211p
G. & S. Verkerk
Panamera is father
8.Nat. Ace pigeon Yearlings
De Allerbeste 2023
15. Semi-Nat. Ace NU L.D 2020
2.Quievrain 2.580p
2.Chalons 6.967p
2.NPO Fay aux Loges 5.735p
4.National 14.036p
4.NPO Nanteuil 5.043p
4.Gien 1.348p
5.Bierges 5.258p
7.Quievrain 2.394p
7.Niergnies 1.101p
6.S-Nat Vierzon 3.142p
8.S-Nat. Gray 2.346p
10.Prov. Dizy le Gros 5.636p
16.Gien 1.348p
12.NPO Chateaudun 5.264p
16.NPO Nanteuil 5.043p
22.NPO Vierzon 3.993p
26.NPO Chateauroux 3.577p
32.NPO Laon 11.179p
H & E.J Eijerkamp
Smoky Blue
Mother to
1.Quievrain 678p
2.Chalons 6.967p
2. NPO Fay aux Loges 5.735p
4. Nat Fay aux Loges 14.036p
12.NPO Chateaudun 5.264p
Daughter of New Ché:
winner 2x 1st NPO
1.NPO Chateauroux 1.767p
1.NPO Argenton 4.121p
31.Prov Sens 17.032p
81.Prov Sens 11.527p
92.Prov Gien 3.759p
R.A. Bakker & Zn
Blue Bar
Acepigeon 2012-13
nat.Fondspiegel Long Distance
Won ao:
1.NU Blois 13.898p
1.Blois 13.898p
4.Breteuil 20.797p
2.Salbris 4.665p
2.Nanteuil 1.172p
2.Ablis 911p
C. en G. Koopman

Daughter Golden Dirk and
Gicara. Golden Dirk is inbred
to breeding couple
Gentil x Golden Lady

Gicara is halfsister to
2nd price winner NPO race
and Vakir. 3rd Price NPO
R.A. Bakker & Zn

1. NPO Issoudun 4.296p
1. Nat. sector 3 14.084p
5. NPO Fay aux Loges 4.050p
9. NPO Chateauroux 3.243p
50.S-Nat Vierzon 11.211p
52.S-Nat Bourges 16.658p
Broter to"068"
3x top ten NPO races

Artus is father
1. against 6.103p
2. against 6.987p
1. against 11.958p
2. against 5.780p
2. Morlincourt 5.323p
4. against 5.227p
Golden Phoenix
R.A. Bakker & Zn

7th price winner NPO
Fay aux Loges 4050p
Mother to:
1.against 6103p
2.against 6987p
1.against 11844p
2.against 5780p
4.against 5227p
5.NPO 3493p

(half)brot/sisters won a.o.:
1.Lessines 12222p
3.Roye 2225p
5.Melun and 5644p
5.Niergnies 2986p
6.Niergnies 8605p
7.Roye 6983p
7.Roye 1369p
8.Roye 8755p

37.Fay aux L 22706p
20.Etroeungt 10939p
17.Niergnies 2986p
315.Pt.St.Max 11844p
402.Issoudun 13094p
Topper Harley
G. & S. Verkerk
Topper Harley is winner of
1.Nat. ACE Long Distance 2015
2.Nat. Ace Long Distance PIPA
2.NPO Ruffec 4.133p
5.Nivelles 5.616p
21.NPO Blois 15.515p
18.NPO Vierzon 11.506p
49.Peronne 19.537p
G. & S. Verkerk
Blue Bar
1.Nat. Ace Long Distance
Fondspiegel in 2016
1.Prov. Ace pigeon L.D Afd. 5
3.NPO Argenton 7.374p
31.NPO Bourges 13.431p
21.Quievrain 4.971p
69.Nat. Chateauroux 14.602p
26.NPO Ruffec 3.780p
New Ché
H & E.J Eijerkamp
Blue Bar
New Ché is winner 2x 1st NPO
1.NPO Chateauroux 1.767p
1.NPO Argenton 4.121p
31.Prov Sens 17.032p
81.Prov Sens 11.527p
New Ché is father
2.Prov.Ace Young S.D Afd 4'19
1.Prov.Dizy le Gros 9.131p
2.NPO Fay aux Loges 5.735p
3.NPO Salbris 4.671p
5.Prov. Bierges 17.843p
7.NPO Melun 2.659p
8.NPO Issoudun 4.462p
New Che is grandfather
1.HS.1 Nong Chok OLR 3.174p
1.Bierges 3.046p
1.Morlincourt 2.304p
Ice Bucket
H & E.J Eijerkamp
Smoky Blue
Ice Bucket is (grand)mother
1.HS 1 Nong Chok OLR 2.174p
1.Tongeren 2.802p