Click a pigeon with red bandnumber to go deeper into the pedigree
H & E.J Eijerkamp
Won a.o.
4.Bierges 3.351p
Golden Chanty
Peter Janssen
Double provincial winner !!!
1.Prov.Marche 182km 10.983p
1.Prov.Arlon 238km 3.722p
2.Prov.Burdinne 157km 7.245p
5.Prov.Quievrain 232km 8.996p
11.Arlon 238km 1.039p
13.Chalons 342km 1.285p
63.Burdinne 157km 1.603p
77.Chalons 342km 4.147p

Golden Chanty is father to
3.Sourdun 3.342p
4.Bierges 3.351p
6.Nanteuil 1.423p
7.Prov. Niergnies 9.870p
9.Tongeren 2.620p
10.Chimay 1.826p
16.Chimay 1.826p
H & E.J Eijerkamp
Light Chequer
2.Prov Ace pigeon Afd 4
Short Distance in 2018
5.Chalons 2.188p
8.Rethel 2.485p
25.Chimay 1.038p
29.Rethel 3.449p
29.Chimay 1.145p
29.Chalons 864p
30.Chimay 1.642p

Miranda is mother
1.Prov.Nanteuil 10.295p
1.Chalons 5.260p
4.NPO Nanteuil 3.204p
10.Prov.Marche 10.178p
19.Tongeren 2.989p
23.Bierges 6.198p
26.Prov.Dizy le Gros 9.313p
27.Dizy le Gros 2.201p
32.Heusden-Zolder 3.001p
Brother Speedy Grizzle
H & E.J Eijerkamp
Blue Bar
Father Golden Chanty
1.Prov. Marche 10.983p
1.Prov. Arlon 3.722p
2.Prov. Burdinne 7.245p
5.Prov. Quievrain 8.996p
11.Arlon 1.039p
13.Chalons 1.285p
63.Burdinne 1.603p
77.Chalons 4.147p

Peter Janssen
Super hen winning 5x 1st!!!!
1.Nat Chateauroux 10.300p
1.NPO Chalon 16.785p
1.NPO Vierzon 855p
1.Nanteuil 1.610p
1.Quievrain 1.042p
2.Prov. Quievrain 13.208p
3.Prov. Burdinne 26.388p
4.Tongeren 2.113p
7.Prov. Dudelange 7.586p
10.Chateauroux 1.084p
10.NPO Fay Aux Loges 6.840p
13.Prov. Dizy le Gros 7.632p
Broer Lady Di
H & E.J Eijerkamp
- Father New Ché, 2x 1.NPO
1.NPO Chateauroux 613 km
against 1.767 pigeons 2016
1.NPO Argenton 641 km
against 4.121 pigeons 2017
- Father of Emiko
1.NPO La Ferte Aubin 574 km
against 6.865 pigeons 2022
9.Nat. Vierzon 620 km
against 8.309 pigeons
- Father of Miranda
2.Prov. Ace pigeon Afd. 4
Short Distance 2019
Brother of Lady Di, who won
2.Nat. ACE L.D. NPO in 2012
1.Reserve Olympiade Nitra Cat
C 500-700K
8.NPO Argenton
27.NPO Argenton
13.NPO Souterraine
16.NPO Chateauroux
20.NPO Poitiers
Jo Hendriks & Zn
Blue Bar
Sonja is mother to
2.Prov. Ace pigeon Short
Distance 2019 Afd 4
2.Bierges 5.920p
5.Chalons 2.188p
8.Rethel 2.485p
9.Niergnies 2.781p
25.Chimay 1.038p
29.Rethel 3.449p
29.Chimay 1.145p
29.Chalons 864p
30.Chimay 1.642p
Gebr. A & B Leideman
Blue Bar
Viton is winner of
1.Deurne 4.299p
3.Weert 11.059p
3.Venlo 3.696p
7.Gennep 6.676p
Viton is father of
1.Nat. Ace Natour WHZB 2019
1.Prov. Ace Speed/Natour 2021
1.Prov. Ace Short dist. 2022
1.Quievrain 12.633p
1.Heusden-Zolder 7.320p
Viton is grandfather to
1.Gennep 12.570p
1.Marche 10.983p
1.Soissons 6.004p
1.Arlon 3.722p
1.Maaseik 3.484p
1.Bierges 3.351p
1.Tienen 3.260p
1.Roye 954p
2.Burdinne 7.245p
5.Quievrain 8.996p
Daughter Goed Grijs
Gebr. A & B Leideman
Daughter Goed Grijs is winner
1.Hannut 5.447p
1.Chimay 1.464p
8.Asse Zelik 4.712p
14.Isnes 8.525p
14.Rethel 3.828p

Topbreedster and mother to
1.Nat. Ace Natour WHZB 2019
1.Prov. Ace Speed/Natour 2021
1.Prov. Ace Short distance'22
1.Quievrain 12.177p
1.Heusden-Zolder 7.293p
She also is grandmother to
1.Prov. Gennep 12.570p
1.Prov. Marche 10.983p
1.Prov. Arlon 3.722p

She also is grandmother to
19.Final Pattaya PIPR OLR'20
Inzucht Big Boss

Father to Chanty,
winner 5x 1st prize !!!
1.Nat Chateauroux 10.300p
1.NPO Chalon 16.785p
1.NPO Vierzon 855p
1.Nanteuil 1.610p
1.Quievrain 1.042p
2.Prov. Quievrain 13.208p
3.Prov. Burdinne 26.388p
4.Tongeren 2.113p
7.Prov. Dudelange 7.586p
10.Chateauroux 1.084p
10.NPO Fay Aux Loges 6.840p
13.Prov. Dizy le Gros 7.632p

From son x daughter Big Boss

Mother Chanty

Blue Bar
Mother of Chanty, winner of
1.Nat Chateauroux 10.300p
1.NPO Chalon 16.785p
1.NPO Vierzon 855p
1.Nanteuil 1.610p
1.Quievrain 1.042p
2.Prov. Quievrain 13.208p
3.Prov. Burdinne 26.388p
4.Tongeren 2.113p
7.Prov. Dudelange 7.586p
10.Chateauroux 1.084p
10.NPO Fay Aux Loges 6.840p
13.Prov. Dizy le Gros 7.632p
Vader Lady Di

Father of Lady Di:
2.Nat. ACE L.D. NPO 2012
1.Reserve Olympiade Nitra Cat
8.NPO Argenton 3.863p
27.NPO Argenton 20.186p
13.NPO Souterraine 2.894p
16.NPO Chateauroux 6.257p
20.NPO Poitiers 2.179p
Moeder Lady Di
H & E.J Eijerkamp
Blue Bar
Granddaughter Ché
Mother of Lady Di:
2.Nat. ACE L.D. NPO 2012
1.Reserve Olympiade Nitra
Cat C
8.NPO Argenton 3.863p
27.NPO Argenton 20.186p
13.NPO Souterraine 2.894p
16.NPO Chateauroux 6.257p
20.NPO Poitiers 2.179p
Bono Harry
Jo Hendriks & Zn
Blue Bar
1.Prov Narbonne 836p
4.National 4.566p
7.Internat. 18.927p
246.Nat Chateauroux 37.874p
13.Marche 2.382p
21.Sens 2.077p
22.Sezanne 1.347p
28.NPO Chateauroux 1.575p
31.NPO Argenton 4.121p

Jan Hooymans
Blue Bar
Daughter New Harry
who is winner of
1.Niergnies 14.737p