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Vooruit 05
Full brother Vooruit 14/027
1.Quievrain YL 636p
2.Quievrain TB 1.623p
2.Quievrain 629p
2.Quievrain 223p
Sister Vooruit 06 is mother
2.Prov. Weert 5.785p
2.Prov. Weert 5.552p
Daughter Fast Boy
Daughter Fast Boy
supercrack with 3x TOP 10 NPO
1.NPO Argenton 3.973p
3.National 23.597p
1.Peronne 7.007p
3.NPO Orleans 4.515p
8.NPO Chateauroux 3.238p
Sister Perfect 17, who is
Father Ace 820 Leideman
4. Nat. ace pigeon WHZB
Middle distance in 2018
1. interprov. ace 2018 all
round & middle distance
1.Weert 5.552p
3.Quievrain 10.570p
3.Laon 6.371p
6.Rethel 7.115p
2.Boxtel 1.961p
6.Nat Ace Youngsters NPO 2015
1.Ace Natour 2016 CC G-IJssel
1.Asse Zellik 861p
Father to Phoebe
2.Nat. Ace Young WHZB in 2016
2.Nat Ace Vitesse PIPA 2016
3.Duffel 4.737p
4.Peronne 3.560p
10.Quievrain 4.237p
1.Asse Zellik 4.481p
4. Asse Zell. 4.932p
25.Nanteuil 11.867p
18.Asse Zell 4.075p
17.Peronne 3.555p
37.Troyes 4.147p
Hurricane 791
Daughter Olympic Hurricane,
3. Nat. Olympiade Pigeon
Yearlings Cat F in Poznan
2. Ablis 7.826p
1. Pommeroeul 2.753p
Hurricane 791 is mother to
5.Ace Youngsters SS G-IJssel
Brother Bolt
Full brother Bolt,
1. nat. Ace-pigeon KBDB
Youngsters in 2013
Bolt is winner 2/2707, 3/1881
7/2507, 8/1701, 12/2131
- Full brother Bolt,
1. nat. Ace-pigeon KBDB
Youngsters in 2013
Bolt is winner 2/2707, 3/1881
7/2507, 8/1701, 12/2131
Daughter Gilbert
Daughter Gilbert
1. Nat ace pigeon LCB
youngsters in 2011
4. Nat ace pigeon KBDB
2. ace pigeon Europa Cup
1/1943, 1/1612, 4/1974,
11/2589, 13/2270, 2/345,
2/306, 9/265
- Daughter Gilbert
1. Nat ace pigeon LCB
youngsters in 2011
4. Nat ace pigeon KBDB
2. ace pigeon Europa Cup
1/1943, 1/1612, 4/1974,
11/2589, 13/2270, 2/345,
2/306, 9/265
Fast Boy
3x TOP 10 NPO Winner
1.NPO Argenton 3.973p
3.National 23.597p
1.Peronne 7.007p
3.NPO Orleans 4.515p
8.NPO Chateauroux 3.238p
Fast Boy is grandfather
2.Nat. Ace Short Distance'17
- 3x TOP 10 NPO Winner
1.NPO Argenton 3.973p
3.National 23.597p
1.Peronne 7.007p
3.NPO Orleans 4.515p
8.NPO Chateauroux 3.238p
Fast Boy is grandfather
2.Nat. Ace Short Distance'17
1. Niergnies 2.064p
Demi is sister Father Ace 820
who is superstar at Leideman
4. Nat. ace pigeon WHZB
Middle distance '18
1. interprov. ace 2018 all
round & middle distance
1.Weert 5.552p
3.Quievrain 10.570p
3.Laon 6.371p
6.Rethel 7.115p
2.Boxtel 1.961p
- 1. Niergnies 2.064p
Demi is sister Father Ace 820
who is superstar at Leideman
4. Nat. ace pigeon WHZB
Middle distance '18
1. interprov. ace 2018 all
round & middle distance
1.Weert 5.552p
3.Quievrain 10.570p
3.Laon 6.371p
6.Rethel 7.115p
2.Boxtel 1.961p
4.Ace General in the
CC Gouwe IJssel'14
3.Peronne 11.930p
3.Nanteuil 7.043p
3.Asse Zellik 3.896p
4.Duffel 4.454p
31.Meaux 17.204p
Father to Bombarie
6.Nat. Ace NPO
Youngbirds in 2015
- 4.Ace General in the
CC Gouwe IJssel'14
3.Peronne 11.930p
3.Nanteuil 7.043p
3.Asse Zellik 3.896p
4.Duffel 4.454p
31.Meaux 17.204p
Father to Bombarie
6.Nat. Ace NPO
Youngbirds in 2015
1.Ace Natour 2014
in CC Gouwe-IJssel
5. Meer 3.062p
19.Pommeroeu l3.440p
41.Peronne 13.676p
Mother of:
6.Nat Ace Youngsters NPO in
1.ACE natour G/IJ '16
8.ACE Old SS G IJ '16
8.Ace youngster NPO
18.ACE Young WHZB
5.Asse 4.496p
6.Pontoise 2.490p
7.La Mantes 2.050p
69.Peronne 10.767p
78.Peronne 11.269p
12.Peronne 9.015p
7.Pt max 2.755p
5.Meer 3.062p
41.Peronne 13.676p
19.Pommeroeu 3.440p
114.Peronne 19.278p
112.Sens 14.517p
- 1.Ace Natour 2014
in CC Gouwe-IJssel
5. Meer 3.062p
19.Pommeroeu l3.440p
41.Peronne 13.676p
Mother of:
6.Nat Ace Youngsters NPO in
1.ACE natour G/IJ '16
8.ACE Old SS G IJ '16
8.Ace youngster NPO
18.ACE Young WHZB
5.Asse 4.496p
6.Pontoise 2.490p
7.La Mantes 2.050p
69.Peronne 10.767p
78.Peronne 11.269p
12.Peronne 9.015p
7.Pt max 2.755p
5.Meer 3.062p
41.Peronne 13.676p
19.Pommeroeu 3.440p
114.Peronne 19.278p
112.Sens 14.517p
Olympic Hurricane
3.Nat. Olympiade Pigeon
Yearlings Cat F in Poznan
2. Ablis 7.826p
1. Pommeroeul 2.753p
Olympic Hurricane (gr)father
1.Nat Olympiade pigeon
Allround Brussels 2017
1.Nat Olympiade pigeon
Young in Nitra 2013
2.NPO Argenton 7.796p
1.Nivelles 4.974p
1.Troyes 4.147p
1.Pont St Max 2.381p
1.Grimbe rgen 694p
1.Sezanne 1.705p
- 3.Nat. Olympiade Pigeon
Yearlings Cat F in Poznan
2. Ablis 7.826p
1. Pommeroeul 2.753p
Olympic Hurricane (gr)father
1.Nat Olympiade pigeon
Allround Brussels 2017
1.Nat Olympiade pigeon
Young in Nitra 2013
2.NPO Argenton 7.796p
1.Nivelles 4.974p
1.Troyes 4.147p
1.Pont St Max 2.381p
1.Grimbe rgen 694p
1.Sezanne 1.705p
4.Nat. Olympiade
pigeon Boedapest
Cat. C Allround
- 4.Nat. Olympiade
pigeon Boedapest
Cat. C Allround