Click a pigeon with red bandnumber to go deeper into the pedigree
H & E.J Eijerkamp
Blue Bar
H & E.J Eijerkamp
Blue Bar
Joeri is father of
7.Nat. Ace Yearlings PIPA'23
9.Nat. Ace Overall 2022
9.Nat. Ace Old Birds Pipa'22
3.S-Nat Gray 2.346p
4.NPO Salbris 4.671p
5.Tienen 4.521p
5.Niergnies 2.333p
7.Bierges 3.448p
7.Tienen 2.754p
8. Bierges 4.925p
11.Morlincourt 2.309p
12.Chateauroux 1.389p
13.NPO Vierzon 3.993p
20.Prov. Morlincourt 17.024p
34.Prov. Morlincourt 20.278p
C. en G. Koopman
Smoky Blue
Maniwan is mother
9. Final AsGolden Greece OLR
in 2023 480 km - 483 pigeons
15.Semi-Final As Golden OLR
in 2023 325 km - 550 pigeons
28.Final Derby Zagreb
in 2023 500 km - 767 pigeons
94.Final Viking Race 2023
333 km - 263 pigeons
Maniwan is grandmother
1.Semi-final Derby Zagreb
310 km - 646 pigeons
36.NPO Dizy le Gros 5.636p
54.NPO Dizy le Gros 5.636p

Daughter Amadi, winner of
4.Nat Ace pigeon WHZB/BoTB
Long Distance 2018
2.NPO Sens 4.410p
14.NPO Gien 4.911p
11.NPO Troyes 2.485p
22.NPO Chateauroux 2.566p
Eijerkamp-van Loon
Blue Bar
Hagrid is (gr)father
10.Nat Ace pigeon WHZB / BoTB
Allround in 2020
1.Neubrandenburg 6.184p
1.Melun 2.179p
1.Tienen 2.006p
1.Charlesvill 1.875p
4.Prov. Melun 7.291p
4.NPO Salbris 4.671p
7.NPO Morlincourt 2.409p
8.Geel 1.292p
11.NPO Chateauroux 3.794p
19.NPO Chateaudun 4.979p
50.NPO Peronne 5.900p
Brother of Celena
who is winner of
1.NPO Peronne
3.NPO Orleans
11.Nat. Blois
19.NPO Tours
38.Nat. Blois
C. en G. Koopman
Olympiade pigeon '13
Long Distance Nitra
2.NPO Orleans 3.480p
6.NPO Pithiviers 6.452p
10.Prov Boxtel 10.698p
9.Prov. Boxtel 9.392p
11.Prov. Quievrain 6.223p
C. en G. Koopman
4.Nat Ace pigeon'18
Long Distance WHZB
2.NPO Sens 4.410p
14.NPO Gien 4.911p
11.NPO Troyes 2.485p
22.NPO Chateauroux 2.566p

Sister Manu
1.Nat Bourges 5.771p
1.Nat Chateaur 3.647p
H & E.J Eijerkamp
Blue Bar
Son of Don Leo
Streetfighter is father of:
1.NPO Peronne 14.253p
3.NPO Orleans 5.783p
3.NPO Peronne 14.253p
8.Nat. Melun 10.654p
11.Nat. Blois 17.591p
38.Nat. Blois 24.774p
5.Blois 2.331p
3.Nivelles 1.647p
4.Pommeroel 1.626p
Eijerkamp-van Loon
Blue White Flight
Daughter of Miss Antonia
Mother of:
1.NPO Peronne 14.253p
3.NPO Orleans 5.783p
3.NPO Peronne 14.253p
11.Nat. Blois 17.591p
38.Nat. Blois 24.774p
3.Nivelles 1.647p
4.Pommeroeul 1.626p
49. NPO Chateaudun 3.675p
50.NPO Orleans 5.582p
J.& J. Kaman
Blue Bar
Father of Bella Donna,
2x Top 10 NPO winner
as yearling
1.NPO-South Vierzon 618km
against 4.245 pigeons
3.NPO Gien 555km
against 8.513 pigeons
1.Gien 1.481p
2.NPO Vierzon 618km 6.532p
1.Vierzon 1.749p
J.& J. Kaman
Blue Bar
Mother of
Bella Donna:
2x Top 10 NPO winner
as yearling
1.NPO Vierzon South
618km 4.245p
2.NPO Vierzon 618km 6.532p
1.Vierzon 1.749p
3.NPO Gien 555km 8.513p
1.Gien 1.481p
J. Maris
Chequer White Flight
Father "Jerson"
Olympiad pigeon
Cat C Nitra 2013
Vriend is winner of
1.Prov Bourges 3.456p
1.Toury 1.863p
2.Prov Bourges 3.988p
2.Prov Orleans 2.219p
7.Orleans 8.255p
C. en G. Koopman
Mother of Jerson:
Olympiade Pigeon Cat C Nitra

Daydream won a.o.
1.NPO Ablis 1033mpm 8.519p
70.Chantilly 12.742p
101.Morlincou 12.480p
129.NPO Orleans 6.004p
132.NPO Blois 4.260p
Supercrack Rik
H. van Sande
Blue Bar
Won 2x 1. provincal
Father to Sapieha
Car-winner SAMDPR
Father to Manu,
1.Nat Bourges 5.877p
1.Nat Chateaur 3.647p
Father to Paco,
2.Nat. Bourges 5.877p
Father Amadi
4.Nat Ace pigeon'18 Long
Distance WHZB
2. NPO Sens 4.410p
14.NPO Gien 4.911p
11.NPO Troyes 2.485p
C. en G. Koopman
Mother to Manu,
1.Nat Bourges 5.877p
1.Nat Chateaur 3.647p