Click a pigeon with red bandnumber to go deeper into the pedigree
Father Silver Shadow
1. Etampes 6.337p
1. Peronne 2.646p
1. Etampes 918p
2. Sens 2.305p
2. Pt St Max 1.298p
Rominger is father:
Silver Bullet 4 x 1.
Silver Mann 2 x 1.
Grandfather of
Spice Girl in 1998:
1. PS.Maxence 6.475p
1. Orleans 3.378p
Moeder Silver Shadow
Mother Silver Shadow
1. Etampes 6.337p
1. Peronne 2.646p
1. Etampes 918p
2. Sens 2.305p
2. Pt St Max 1.298p
This hen was bred
from full brother
Louis x daughter
from the superpair
Louis x Suzanne
Father Silver Shadow
1. Etampes 6.337p
1. Peronne 2.646p
1. Etampes 918p
2. Sens 2.305p
2. Pt St Max 1.298p
Rominger is father:
Silver Bullet 4 x 1.
Silver Mann 2 x 1.
Grandfather of
Spice Girl in 1998:
1. PS.Maxence 6.475p
1. Orleans 3.378p
Dochter Superkoppel
Daughter Superkoppel
Full brothers won:
1.Chateauroux 2.277p
1. La Soutter.1.788p
4. Orleans 1.554p
5. Clermond 1.369p
10.Creil 5.641p
Father won
1. Houdeng 3.009p
3. Roye 4.295p
A grandchild from
the Superkoppel won:
1. S.Ghislain 1.920p
2. PS.Maxence 1.257p
Louis is father of
Olano: winner of 43
Grandfather of
Beach Boy 3x1. prize
Grandfather Yeboah
Winner 41 prizes
Grandfather of
Kras 486 Winner
10x1. prize
Silver Shadow 3x1.
in big competition
Silver Mann 2x1.
Silver Bullet 4x1.
- Louis is father of
Olano: winner of 43
Grandfather of
Beach Boy 3x1. prize
Grandfather Yeboah
Winner 41 prizes
Grandfather of
Kras 486 Winner
10x1. prize
Silver Shadow 3x1.
in big competition
Silver Mann 2x1.
Silver Bullet 4x1.
Grandmother of
Yeboah: the winner
of 41 prizes
Silver Shadow 3x1st
Kras 486 10x1. prize
Beach Boy 3x1. prize
Silver Bullet 4x1st
Silver Man 2x1st
- Grandmother of
Yeboah: the winner
of 41 prizes
Silver Shadow 3x1st
Kras 486 10x1. prize
Beach Boy 3x1. prize
Silver Bullet 4x1st
Silver Man 2x1st
Broer Louis
= Broer Louis
Louis is een top-
kweker van het ras
Van Loon. Hij is o.a
vader van Olano en
grootvader van
Yeboah en Beach Boy.
- = Broer Louis
Louis is een top-
kweker van het ras
Van Loon. Hij is o.a
vader van Olano en
grootvader van
Yeboah en Beach Boy.
Dcht Louis x Suzane
Dochter Louis x Su-
zanne en Zus Olano
winnaar 43 prijzen.
Grootmoeder Silver
Shadow, Silver Mann,
Silver Bullet.
- Dochter Louis x Su-
zanne en Zus Olano
winnaar 43 prijzen.
Grootmoeder Silver
Shadow, Silver Mann,
Silver Bullet.
Louis is father of
Olano: winner of 43
Grandfather of
Beach Boy 3x1. prize
Grandfather Yeboah
Winner 41 prizes
Grandfather of
Kras 486 Winner
10x1. prize
Silver Shadow 3x1.
in big competition
Silver Mann 2x1.
Silver Bullet 4x1.
- Louis is father of
Olano: winner of 43
Grandfather of
Beach Boy 3x1. prize
Grandfather Yeboah
Winner 41 prizes
Grandfather of
Kras 486 Winner
10x1. prize
Silver Shadow 3x1.
in big competition
Silver Mann 2x1.
Silver Bullet 4x1.
Grandmother of
Yeboah: the winner
of 41 prizes
Silver Shadow 3x1st
Kras 486 10x1. prize
Beach Boy 3x1. prize
Silver Bullet 4x1st
Silver Man 2x1st
- Grandmother of
Yeboah: the winner
of 41 prizes
Silver Shadow 3x1st
Kras 486 10x1. prize
Beach Boy 3x1. prize
Silver Bullet 4x1st
Silver Man 2x1st
Doffer Superkoppel
Sons from the
Superkoppel won:
1. La Soutteraine
1. Chateauroux
This cock won:
1. Houdeng 3.009p
3. Roye 4.295p
24.Creil 2.396p
55.Houdeng 3.644p
66.Chantil. 4.326p
68.Hornu 4.534p
96.Orleans 1.544p
123.St.Quen. 3.943p
Totally 21 prizes
- Sons from the
Superkoppel won:
1. La Soutteraine
1. Chateauroux
This cock won:
1. Houdeng 3.009p
3. Roye 4.295p
24.Creil 2.396p
55.Houdeng 3.644p
66.Chantil. 4.326p
68.Hornu 4.534p
96.Orleans 1.544p
123.St.Quen. 3.943p
Totally 21 prizes
Duivin Superkoppel
This hen has the
same grandfather as
Silver Shadow:
- This hen has the
same grandfather as
Silver Shadow: