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Pigeon race results (1:4)

Pigeon race results 2020
Page 1 from 3
29/08/20 Laon (331,966 km) 10:40 SSW 11179 birds 1-2-3-6-7-8-9-14-19-20-21-22-24-26-27-28 etc. (100/139 = 71.9%)
Level Pigeons Result Prizes (1:4) Boxed Percentage
Area the IJssel 791 1-2-3-5-6-7-8-13-18-19-20-21-22-24-25-26-27-28-29 etc. 67 139 48.2%
Flying Area SE 2469 1-2-3-6-7-8-9-14-19-20-21-22-23-25-26-27-29-30 etc. 90 139 64.7%
Section 8 South 5694 1-2-3-6-7-8-9-14-19-20-21-22-23-25-26-27-29-30 etc. 100 139 71.9%
Section 8 11179 1-2-3-6-7-8-9-14-19-20-21-22-24-26-27-28 etc. 100 139 71.9%
On this page information about the youngsters race from Laon is given.
We basketed 139 pigeons.
Team Hans and Evert Jan Eijerkamp 51
Team Lotte Eijerkamp 88
The result was breathtaking with a grandchild of Nieuwe Olympiade"Nieuwe Olympiade" arriving first.
Again the entire podium against more than 11,000 pigeons and 30 prize pigeons 1: 100.
It just doesn't stop and we are more and more surprised that it just keeps going.
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06/07/20 Fay aux Loges (548,641 km) 07:00 West 9218 birds 1-2-3-12-13-15-16-25-33-40-44-71-99 etc. (42/55 = 76.4%)
Level Pigeons Result Prizes (1:4) Boxed Percentage
Club 517 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14 etc. 43 55 78.2%
Area the IJssel 979 1-2-3-8-9-11-12-16-21-23-24 etc. 41 55 74.5%
Flying Area SE 2639 1-2-3-10-11-13-14-19-27-31-33-50 etc. 41 55 74.5%
Section 8 South 4721 1-2-3-12-13-15-16-25-33-40-44-67-89-91 etc. 41 55 74.5%
Section 8 (NPO) 9218 1-2-3-12-13-15-16-25-33-40-44-71-99 etc. 42 55 76.4%

Today, after two days of delay, the pigeons were released in Fay aux Loges for the first one day long distance race of 2020.
We have basketed 55 pigeons, 30 from Hans and Evert Jan and 25 from Lotte Eijerkamp.

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25/07/20 Nanteuil (408,230 km) 07:10 SW 9034 birds 1-2-3-12-13-16-21-24-26-56-59-61-65-67-70-85-86-95 etc. (62/88 = 70.5%)
Level Pigeons Result Prizes (1:4) Boxed Percentage
Area the IJssel 860 1-2-3-12-13-14-18-19-21-22-32-34-36 etc. 49 88 55.7%
Flying Area SE 2197 1-2-3-12-13-14-19-20-22-23-38-40-42-44-45-46 etc. 56 88 63.6%
Section 8 South 3987 1-2-3-12-13-15-20-21-23-24-48-50-52-55 etc. 59 88 67.0%
Section 8 9034 1-2-3-12-13-16-21-24-26-56-59-61-65-67-70-85-86-95 etc. 62 88 70.5%

Today the old pigeons were released in Nanteuil (408km).
We basketed a total of 88 pigeons.
Lotte Eijerkamp 30 and Hans and Evert Jan Eijerkamp 58

The result was breathtaking again by winning the entire podium against a massive participation.



'Yindee' is winner of
7. Nat. Ace Short/Middle Distance WHZB 2020
1. Prov. Nanteuil            9,034 pigeons
1. Niergnies 2,333 pigeons
8. Tienen                3,734 pigeons
8. Quievrain 1,774 pigeons
16. Quievrain 2,681 pigeons
34. Morlincourt 4,288 pigeons
34. Sezanne 2,238 pigeons
34. Niergnies 1,101 pigeons
38. Budel 4,332 pigeons
39. Niergnies 6,400 pigeons
Bred: W.A. de Bruijn
Raced: Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp

Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp
Cortenoeverseweg 82
6971 JK Brummen (NL)
Tel: +31 575 538555

The first pigeon "Yindee" is 100% Willem de Bruijn

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05/09/20 Morlincourt (358,660 km) 10:45 West 8903 birds 1-7-8-10-15-24-25-26-27-28-29-31-38-42-43-46-47 etc. (112/139 = 80.6%)
Level Pigeons Result Prizes (1:4) Boxed Percentage
Area the IJssel 784 1-4-5-7-9-12-13-14-15-16-17-25-29-30-32-33-34-35 etc. 91 139 65.5%
Flying Area SE 2126 1-4-5-7-9-16-17-18-19-20-21-22-29-33-34-36-37-39 etc. 102 139 73.4%
Section 8 South 4496 1-7-8-10-15-24-25-26-27-28-29-31-38-42-43-45-46 etc. 105 139 75.5%
Section 8 8903 1-7-8-10-15-24-25-26-27-28-29-31-38-42-43-46-47 etc. 112 139 80.6%

On this page you can see the details of the YB race from Morlincourt.
We have entered 139 pigeons with 2 teams.
Lotte Eijerkamp 89 young birds
Hans and Evert Jan Eijerkamp 50 youngsters

And again we won the first prize Provincial now against 8,903 pigeons
The winning pigeon is a child of Vetblauwe Jackpot"Vetblauwe Jackpot"

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12/09/20 Nanteuil (408,230 km) 09:00 SW 7509 birds 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-11-12-13-15-20-23-35-36-37-38-39-40 etc. (109/130 = 83.8%)
Level Pigeons Result Prizes (1:4) Boxed Percentage
Area the IJssel 712 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-10-11-12-13-15-26-27-28-29-30-31-33 etc. 86 130 66.2%
Flying Area SE 1866 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-10-11-12-14-19-22-34-35-36-37-38-39 etc. 107 130 82.3%
Section 8 South 3900 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-10-11-12-14-19-22-34-35-36-37-38-41 etc. 108 130 83.1%
Section 8 7509 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-11-12-13-15-20-23-35-36-37-38-39-40 etc. 109 130 83.8%

This page shows information about the young pigeons race from Nanteuil (408km).
Both teams have basketed pigeons again, we hope for success.
The Lotte Eijerkamp team has entered 86 pigeons and the Hans and Evert Jan Eijerkamp team 44, so a total of 130 pigeons.

The result was again unbelievable.

The winner was  NL20-1248228NL20-1248228 "Princess Andreja" who already won 1. Bierges against 3,901 pigeons

This season was the best we've seen in all these years.
Thanks to the whole team for the hard work and fantastic cooperation.
It turns out that the development in the pigeon sport is not over yet.

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13/06/20 Niergnies (298,600 km) 07:45 SSE 6400 birds 1-3-4-10-11-12-21-28-30-34-35-39-42-58-63-66-67-68 etc. (99/119 = 83.2%)
Level Pigeons Result Prizes (1:4) Boxed Percentage
Club 1094 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20 etc. 99 119 83.2%
Area the IJssel 2054 1-3-4-10-11-12-20-23-25-26-27-29-31-40-44-47-48-49 etc. 94 119 79.0%
Flying Area SE 6400 1-3-4-10-11-12-21-28-30-34-35-39-42-58-63-66-67-68 etc. 99 119 83.2%
Section 8 South (NPO) 10645 8-10-16-40-43-44-60-77-79-83-87 etc. 97 119 81.5%

Today the pigeons were released in Niergnies (298km)
This is an official race.
The temperature is about 22 degrees Celsius and a little wind from SSE
We had basketed a total of 119 pigeons, of which 70 from the loft of Hans and Evert Jan and 49 from the loft of Lotte Eijerkamp

All pigeons returned home.

A daughter Turbo Rossi"Turbo Rossi" and half-sister Beetle"Beetle" won the first prize against 6,400 pigeons



"Naomi" is winner of 5x prize 1: 1000 
1. Niergnies 6,400 pigeons  299 km
1. Morlincourt 4,975 pigeons 356 km
2. Quievrain           6,209 pigeons 255 km
2. Niergnies 2,333 pigeons 299 km
3. Niergnies 5,573 pigeons 299 km
3. Quievrain 2,681 pigeons 255 km
22. Chalons 1,459 pigeons 373 km
25. Quievrain 4,009 pigeons 255 km
26. Prov. Niergnies              10,065 pigeons 299 km
29. Bierges 4,925 pigeons 187 km
36. NPO Melun 2,659 pigeons 448 km
56. Morlincourt 4,288 pigeons 356 km
Daughter of 'Turbo Rossi' x 'Uniek'


Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp
Cortenoeverseweg 82
6971 JK Brummen (NL)
Tel: +31 575 538555

Turbo Rossi


"Turbo Rossi" is winner of
1. Zandvliet 4,924 pigeons
1. La Louviere                       4,483 pigeons
1. Gennep 1,953 pigeons
1. Tongeren 1,191 pigeons
1. Tongeren 811 pigeons
"Turbo Rossi" is (grand)father of a.o.
7. Nat. Ace pigeon Short Distance WHZB 2019
8. Nat. Ace Youngsters M D. PIPA 2018 
1. Chimay                               11,156 pigeons
1. Rhisnes 8,079 pigeons
1. Niergnies 6,400 pigeons
1. Fulda 4,925 pigeons
1. Budel 4,373 pigeons
1. Tienen 3,977 pigeons
1. Quievrain 2,053 pigeons
1. Quievrain 1,954 pigeons

Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp
Cortenoeverseweg 82
6971 JK Brummen (NL)
Tel: +31 575 538555

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29/08/20 Maastricht (140,710 km) 09:50 SSW 5900 birds 1-33-49-50-56-97-98 etc. (22/23 = 95.7%)
Level Pigeons Result Prizes (1:4) Boxed Percentage
Area the IJssel 2101 1-23-35-36-41-64-64-72-74 etc. 21 23 91.3%
Flying Area SE 5900 1-33-49-50-56-97-98 etc. 22 23 95.7%

Information about the first natour race is given on this page.
We basketed 23 pigeons, only from team Hans and Evert Jan Eijerkamp.

The result was overwhelming with 22 prizes with 23 basketed pigeons and also the 1st against 5846 pigeons.
Week after week we are overwhelmed by the results of our pigeons.

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23/05/20 Budel (102,165 km) 11:30 WSW 4373 birds 1-2-3-5-6-7-8-9-20-21-24-25-26-28-32-37-40-41-42 etc. (107/134 = 79.9%)
Level Pigeons Result Prizes (1:4) Boxed Percentage
Area the IJssel 1805 1-2-3-5-6-7-8-9-17-18-21-22-23-25 etc. 88 134 65.7%
Flying Area SE 4373 1-2-3-5-6-7-8-9-20-21-24-25-26-28-32-37-40-41-42 etc. 107 134 79.9%

Today the first pigeon race of 2020 is held from Budel (102km).
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the start of the season has been delayed and all kinds of rules have to be met to race the pigeons.
The races have an unofficial character and are held for animal welfare reasons.
No results list or championships may be held.
However, there will be an arrival list showing the mutual relationships between pigeon fanciers.
Hans and Evert Jan Eijerkamp basketed 83 pigeons and Lotte Eijerkamp 51.

The result on this first flight was great with 8 pigeons arrive in the first 10 against more than 4300 pigeons from 165 participants.

If you want to receive an email at arrival of our first pigeon, click here

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11/07/20 Sezanne (415,144 km) 07:00 West 4195 birds 1-2-3-4-5-12-14-21-26-36-38-39-44-45-46 etc. (73/98 = 74.5%)
Level Pigeons Result Prizes (1:4) Boxed Percentage
Area the IJssel 885 1-2-3-4-5-9-10-12-14-16-18-19-21-22-23-24-26-28-29 etc. 76 98 77.6%
Flying Area SE 2305 1-2-3-4-5-10-13-15-18-20-21-23-24-25-26-29-33-34 etc. 79 98 80.6%
Section 8 South 4195 1-2-3-4-5-12-14-21-26-36-38-39-44-45-46 etc. 73 98 74.5%
Section 8 9393 7-8-9-10-12-25-28-39-47-73-75-76-89-90-92 etc. 76 98 77.6%

After a great week with a dream result, we are back on the ground.
The pigeons are sent to Sezanne (415km) and all chances are open again.
We have basketed 98 pigeons, 34 from Lotte Eijerkamp and 64 from H. and E.J. Eijerkamp.

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01/08/20 Bierges (187,300 km) 08:30 West 3901 birds 1-2-3-4-6-7-8-22-23-24-25-26-27-28-29-30 etc. (93/158 = 58.9%)
Level Pigeons Result Prizes (1:4) Boxed Percentage
Area the IJssel 1141 1-2-3-4-6-7-8-16-17-18-19-20-21-22-23-24 etc. 80 158 50.6%
Flying Area SE 3901 1-2-3-4-6-7-8-22-23-24-25-26-27-28-29-30 etc. 93 158 58.9%
Today the 2nd race with youngsters is held.
We basketed a total of 158 young pigeons.
Lotte Eijerkamp 99 and Hans and Evert Jan Eijerkamp 58
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