

'Flamengo' is winner 
6. Nat. Ace Short Distance De Allerbeste 2022
9. Nat Ace Short/Middle Distance Pipa 2022
11. Nat. Ace Short Distance De Allerbeste 2023
1. Tienen 2,087 pigeons  166 km
2. Bierges 1,819 pigeons 187 km
3. Chalons  1,251 pigeons 373 km
7. Niergnies 3,284 pigeons 299 km
8. NPO Morlincourt        8,903 pigeons 359 km
8. Morlincourt 2,309 pigeons 359 km
10. Bierges 5,258 pigeons 187 km
11. Tienen 5,780 pigeons 166 km
14. Niergnies 2,724 pigeons 299 km
19. Morlincourt 4,975 pigeons 359 km

Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp
Cortenoeverseweg 82
6971 JK Brummen (NL)
Tel: +31 575 538555

The father of this pigeon: New Euro

"New Euro" is winner of the following prizes:
"New Euro" is winner of the following titles:
Descendants to "New Euro" are winner of the following prizes:
Descendants to "New Euro" are winner of the following titles:

View all details of New Euro.