

'Boris' is winner of a.o.
1. Nat. Gray 7.375 pigeons 521 km
15. Nat. Melun 8,757 pigeons  456 km
14. Bierges                               1,941 pigeons 187 km
19. NPO Issoudun 3,553 pigeons 646 km
19. Sourdun 1,501 pigeons 444 km
46. La Ferte Saint Aubin 2,708 pigeons 574 km
53. NPO Issoudun 1,826 pigeons 646 km
94. Tienen 5,484 pigeons 166 km
Son 'Bassie' X 'Mientje'

Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp
Cortenoeverseweg 82
6971 JK Brummen (NL)
Tel: +31 575 538555

The mother of this pigeon: Mientje

"Mientje" is winner of the following prizes:
"Mientje" is winner of the following titles:
Descendants to "Mientje" are winner of the following prizes:

View all details of Mientje.