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Race results Eijerkamp-Paalman

Race results Eijerkamp-Paalman 2023
Page 2 from 3
09/09/23 Mettet (243,994 km) 09:00 NW 12148 birds 5-6-7-8-12-13-15-43-44-56-57-66-70-90 etc. (90/156 = 57.7%)
Level Pigeons Result Prizes Boxed Percentage
Club 304 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15 etc. 70 156 44.9%
Area CC7 2300 3-4-5-6-7-8-9-11-12-13-14-15-17-19-22-23-24 etc. 98 156 62.8%
Section 9 South 4710 5-6-7-8-9-10-11-14-15-17-18-25-27-33-43-49 etc. 97 156 62.2%
Section 9 12148 5-6-7-8-12-13-15-43-44-56-57-66-70-90 etc. 90 156 57.7%

This year, Arnold Paalman participated in the racing competitions under the name Eijerkamp-Paalman, a collaboration with Hans and Evert Jan Eijerkamp.
Many yearlings participated in the racing competitions because Arnold had just moved and essentially started anew. It quickly became evident that he was no newcomer, judging by the fantastic results achieved.
The results were sometimes overwhelming, with large numbers of pigeons at the top of the leaderboard against a considerable number of pigeons.
This trend continued on the second-to-last racing event of the 2023 season.

With 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 15, 43, 44, 56, 57 etc. provincially Mettet (243km) against 12,148 pigeons, the result was once again phenomenal.

The first pigeon was a young bird NL23-9082638NL23-9082638 "Spurky Haas", bred from Arnold's own pigeons.

The second was NL22-7073658NL22-7073658 "Minty", bred from NL16-1255069NL16-1255069 "Chémilio" x Xenon"Xenon".
"Chémilio" is a grandson of Fabio"Fabio", a great breeding pigeon, and "Claudio Ché". the 1st National ACE Pigeon Yearlings Allround WHZB.
Xenon"Xenon" is a daughter of Tanguy"Tanguy" (G&S Verkerk) and a fantastic breeding pigeon and (grand)father of several first prize winners against large numbers of pigeons.



Won a.o.
6. Provincial Mettet                     12,148 pigeons
6. Tongeren 8,364 pigeons
16. Heusden-Zolder 246 pigeons
26. Bierges 2,909 pigeons
37. Dizy le Gros 1,601 pigeons
39. Marche 3,381 pigeons
51. Dizy le Gros 8,293 pigeons
68. Tienen 6,929 pigeons
77. Marche 8,459 pigeons

Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp
Cortenoeverseweg 82
6971 JK Brummen (NL)
Tel: +31 575 538555

The third pigeon was NL22-8229160NL22-8229160 "Chick", which was bred from NL18-1628142NL18-1628142 "Blauwe Rossi" x NL19-3951026NL19-3951026 "Flower".
"Blauwe Rossi" is a son of Turbo Rossi"Turbo Rossi" and a grandson of the Euro"Euro".
"Flower" is a daughter of Calisto"Calisto", a son of Olympic Leo"Olympic Leo".



Won a.o.
7. Provincial Bierges                         17,843 pigeons
7. Provincial Mettet 12,148 pigeons

Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp
Cortenoeverseweg 82
6971 JK Brummen (NL)
Tel: +31 575 538555

Below is an overview of the pigeons that ranked in the top 100 in the department's results.

Band number CC 7 Department
NL23-9082638NL23-9082638  3 5
NL22-7073658NL22-7073658  4 6
NL22-8229160NL22-8229160  5 7
NL22-8229044NL22-8229044  6 8
NL22-8131918NL22-8131918  7 12
NL22-8229055NL22-8229055  8 13
NL22-7073673NL22-7073673  9 15
NL22-7073668NL22-7073668  11 43
NL22-8229093NL22-8229093  12 44
NL22-7073667NL22-7073667  13 56
NL22-8131915NL22-8131915  14 57
NL23-9082602NL23-9082602  15 66
NL23-9082679NL23-9082679  17 70
NL23-9608874NL23-9608874  19 90


24/06/23 Marche (231,839 km) 08:00 NW 10178 birds 5-10-51-54-135-174 etc. (30/42 = 71.4%)
Level Pigeons Result Prizes Boxed Percentage
Club 292 1-2-4-5-12-15-16-17-18-21-22-24-25 etc. 28 42 66.7%
Area CC7 1548 2-4-14-16-30-40-43-44-54 etc. 31 42 73.8%
Section 9 South 3500 3-7-26-29-60-77-81-82 etc. 32 42 76.2%
Section 9 10178 5-10-51-54-135-174 etc. 30 42 71.4%

This weekend, there were two races, a short-distance race and a long-distance race.
In both races, pigeons from Eijerkamp-Paalman were entered, and the expectations were high as the pigeons have been performing remarkably well in recent weeks.
The pigeons exceeded expectations because prizes were won within the top 10 in the department in both races.
In the short-distance race from Marche (231km), provincial prizes were won at the 5th, 10th, 51st, and 54th positions out of 10,178 pigeons. 30 out of 42 pigeons entered won a prize.

The first pigeon was NL22-8229059NL22-8229059 "Yamina", a daughter of Rogerke Bolt"Rogerke Bolt" x Beetle"Beetle".

The father, Rogerke Bolt"Rogerke Bolt", was purchased from Frans and Gert Rondags and is a descendant of the famous Bolt (Leo Heremans)"Bolt (Leo Heremans)".

The mother, Beetle"Beetle", was an excellent racing pigeon and was, among other achievements, the 1st  National Ace Pigeon Yearlings "De Allerbeste".
"Yamina" won her 7th prize in 2023 but had not yet reached the top before.



"Yamina" won a.o.
4. Provincial Marche 8,109 pigeons
5. Provincial Marche                      10,178 pigeons
13. Dizy le Gros 8,293 pigeons
25. Charlevilles                                   3,228 pigeons

Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp
Cortenoeverseweg 82
6971 JK Brummen (NL)
Tel: +31 575 538555



"Stan" won a.o.
1. Prov. Nanteuil (427 km) 10.295 pigeons
1. Chalons en Champ. (389km)  5,260 pigeons
3. Heusden-Zolder 6,324 pigeons
4. Charlevilles 3,228 pigeons
10. Prov. Marche 10,178 pigeons
19. Tongeren                                     2,989 pigeons
23. Bierges 6,198 pigeons
26. Provincial Dizy le Gros                    9,131 pigeons
28. Duffel 3,177 pigeons
31. Dizy le Gros 8,293 pigeons
32. Heusden-Zolder                           3,001 pigeons
56. Provincial Mettet 12,148 pigeons
83. Morlincourt 6,133 pigeons

Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp
Cortenoeverseweg 82
6971 JK Brummen (NL)
Tel: +31 575 538555



"Kenny" won a.o. 
15. NPO Dizy le Gros                   9,569 pigeons
29. Dizy le Gros 2,812 pigeons
46. Charlevilles 1,485 pigeons
49. Prov. Bierges 17,843 pigeons
51. Prov. Marche 10,178 pigeons
64. Chalons 2,355 pigeons
raced at Eijerkamp-Paalman
'Kenny' is full brother 'Luna'
1. Nat. Ace pigeon Short distance PIPA in 2024
1. Duffel 6,141 pigeons
1. Boxmeer 2,140 pigeons
1. Heusden-Zolder               1,161 pigeons
1. Burdinne 1,144 pigeons
1. Duiven 770 pigeons

Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp
Cortenoeverseweg 82
6971 JK Brummen (NL)
Tel: +31 575 538555

 Below all the prize winning pigeons with the prizes won in CC 7 and the Section. There were 1,548 pigeons in the race in CC 7 and 10,178 in the Section.

Band number CC7 Section
NL22-8229059NL22-8229059  2 5
NL22-7073667NL22-7073667  4 10
NL22-8209218NL22-8209218  14 51
NL22-8165761NL22-8165761  16 54
NL22-7073673NL22-7073673  30 135
NL22-8209219NL22-8209219  40 174
NL22-8228939NL22-8228939  43 185
NL21-1567383NL21-1567383  44 192
NL22-8228949NL22-8228949  54 291
NL22-8229093NL22-8229093  58 298
NL22-7073680NL22-7073680  60 301
NL22-8209235NL22-8209235  78 465
NL22-8131917NL22-8131917  89 516
NL22-8229055NL22-8229055  90 521
NL22-8228948NL22-8228948  140 974
NL22-7073677NL22-7073677  156 1132
NL22-8228950NL22-8228950  157 1139
NL22-8229048NL22-8229048  210 1575
NL22-8228901NL22-8228901  252 1873
NL22-8229044NL22-8229044  297 2343
NL22-8209236NL22-8209236  300 2355
NL22-8209230NL22-8209230  301 2358
NL22-8228941NL22-8228941  308 2408
NL22-8131901NL22-8131901  318 2443
NL21-1567379NL21-1567379  330 2506
NL22-7073668NL22-7073668  350 2683
NL22-8228986NL22-8228986  352 2714
NL22-8229160NL22-8229160  373 2914
NL22-7073681NL22-7073681  425 3271
NL22-8684919NL22-8684919  426 3280
NL22-8228938NL22-8228938  477  


17/06/23 Dizy le Gros (333,774 km) 07:00 East 8973 birds 6-8-29-36-49-80-132-137 etc. (39/58 = 67.2%)
Level Pigeons Result Prizes Boxed Percentage
Club 233 1-2-3-4-5-8-11-13-14-15-16-18-19-20 etc. 37 58 63.8%
Area CC7 1601 4-5-10-11-14-20-27-30-32-36-37-43-45 etc. 42 58 72.4%
Section 9 South 3085 4-5-12-13-18-28-40-44-46-53-54 etc. 43 58 74.1%
Section 9 8973 6-8-29-36-49-80-132-137 etc. 39 58 67.2%

At the Eijerkamp-Paalman partnership, things have been going well in recent weeks. The pigeons are consistently winning top prizes in the section, and a high percentage of prizes are being achieved.
This week, the wind was slightly different from previous weeks, so the question was whether the high level would be reached again.
That question was quickly answered because with rankings of 6th, 8th, 29th, 36th, 49th, 80th etc. provincially against 8,973 pigeons and a prize percentage of 67%, we can say that it went fantastically again.

The first pigeon was NL22-8228978NL22-8228978 "Puck," a hen bred from Flash Leo"Flash Leo" x "Leontien".

The father, NL16-1255068NL16-1255068 Flash Leo"Flash Leo", is an inbred offspring of the super breeder Don Leo"Don Leo".

The mother, NL20-1248780NL20-1248780 "Leontien", is a daughter of Olympic Leo"Olympic Leo" and "Tonya". which is a daughter of Harry (J.Hooymans)"Harry (J.Hooymans)".



"Puck" won a.o.
4. Nat. Ace pigeon Allround De Allerbeste 2024
1. Nat. Chalons 11,002 pigeons 389 km
2. Prov. Bierges 17,843 pigeons 206 km
6. Prov. Dizy le Gros       8,973 pigeons 334 km
7. Heusden-Zolder 6,324 pigeons 150 km
13. Prov. Dizy le Gros 9,131 pigeons 334 km
14. Prov. Dizy le Gros 7,155 pigeons 334 km
21. Dizy le Gros 2,201 pigeons 334 km
26. Prov. Bierges 14,594 pigeons 206 km
32. Prov. Marche 9,820 pigeons 232 km
33. NPO Issoudun 2,135 pigeons 664 km
36. Nanteuil 3,629 pigeons 427 km
75. Duffel 3,177 pigeons 180 km
85. Prov. Dizy le Gros 9,569 pigeons 334 km
Daughter 'Flash Leo' X 'Leontien'

Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp
Cortenoeverseweg 82
6971 JK Brummen (NL)
Tel: +31 575 538555



Won a.o.
 17. Nat.Ace Middle distance PIPA Rankings
   3. Ace Pigeon Middle distance CC7
   5. Ace Pigeon Middle distance Section 9 South
   7. Ace Pigeon Middle distance Section 9
4. Burdine 1,721 pigeons
8. Prov. Dizy le Gros 8,973 pigeons
16. Chalons en Champagne 2,411 pigeons
16. Dizy le Gros 638 pigeons
24. Prov. Nanteuil          10,295 pigeons
31. Chalons en Champagne          5,260 pigeons
70. Prov. Tienen 6,929 pigeons
82. NPO Gray 2,207 pigeons

Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp
Cortenoeverseweg 82
6971 JK Brummen (NL)
Tel: +31 575 538555



"Ramona" won a.o.
11. Nat. Ace pigeon Allround Old PIPA 2023
7. Ace Pigeon Middle Distance CC7
10. Ace Pigeon Middle Distance Afd. 9 South
9. Tongeren 1,642 pigeons 168 km
13. Bierges 1,150 pigeons 206 km
20. Duffel 1,622 pigeons 180 km
24. Dizy le Gros               638 pigeons 334 km
29. Prov. Dizy le Gros   9,131 pigeons 334 km
29. Prov. Dizy le Gros 8,973 pigeons 334 km
30. Arlon 1,048 pigeons 284 km
35. Sermaises 1,491 pigeons 528 km
36. NPO Sermaises 2,707 pigeons 528 km
58. Burdinne 1,793 pigeons 203 km
79. Prov. Bierges 17,843 pigeons 206 km
Was Best Yearling in the club

Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp
Cortenoeverseweg 82
6971 JK Brummen (NL)
Tel: +31 575 538555

Below all the prize winning pigeons with the prizes won in CC 7 and the Section. There were 1,601 pigeons in the race in CC 7 and 8,973 in the Section.

Band number CC 7 Section
NL22-8228978NL22-8228978  4 6
NL21-1668290NL21-1668290  5 8
NL21-1668280NL21-1668280  10 29
NL22-7073662NL22-7073662  11 36
NL22-8229049NL22-8229049  14 49
NL22-8229048NL22-8229048  20 80
NL22-8228939NL22-8228939  27 132
NL22-8228954NL22-8228954  30 137
NL22-8684919NL22-8684919  32 155
NL22-8229093NL22-8229093  36 188
NL22-7073658NL22-7073658  37 194
NL22-8209216NL22-8209216  43 241
NL21-1567383NL21-1567383  45 246
NL22-8229041NL22-8229041  47 250
NL22-8131917NL22-8131917  76 459
NL22-8228941NL22-8228941  91 546
NL22-8228948NL22-8228948  102 614
NL21-1570698NL21-1570698  113 661
NL22-7073681NL22-7073681  126 771
NL22-8209252NL22-8209252  131 801
NL22-8228986NL22-8228986  133 815
NL22-8209254NL22-8209254  136 830
NL21-1600193NL21-1600193  137 831
NL22-7073667NL22-7073667  163 1033
NL22-8131929NL22-8131929  171 1103
NL22-7073668NL22-7073668  214 1395
NL22-8209229NL22-8209229  215 1402
NL22-8209218NL22-8209218  223 1450
NL22-8229086NL22-8229086  225 1458
NL22-8131915NL22-8131915  231 1486
NL22-8229110NL22-8229110  265 1664
NL22-8229160NL22-8229160  277 1718
NL22-8209219NL22-8209219  290 1765
NL22-7073677NL22-7073677  302 1836
NL22-8229031NL22-8229031  304 1848
NL22-8228949NL22-8228949  329 2037
NL22-8228901NL22-8228901  330 2047
NL22-8229059NL22-8229059  355 2222
NL22-8209235NL22-8209235  403 2508
NL22-8228938NL22-8228938  497  
NL22-8229047NL22-8229047  513  
NL22-8209242NL22-8209242  516  


10/06/23 Sermaises (528,087 km) 06:45 East 2707 birds 2-36-43-150 etc. (10/15 = 66.7%)
Level Pigeons Result Prizes Boxed Percentage
Club 77 1-2-3-7-14-15-16-17-18 etc. 11 15 73.3%
Area CC7 609 1-7-9-24-68-73 etc. 10 15 66.7%
Section 9 South 1025 1-9-12-42-110 etc. 10 15 66.7%
Section 9 (NPO) 2707 2-36-43-150 etc. 10 15 66.7%
08/07/23 Gray (533,170 km) 07:00 SE 2207 birds 6-24-37-82 etc. (6/27 = 22.2%)
Level Pigeons Result Prizes Boxed Percentage
Area CC7 481 3-9-13-26-41 etc. 6 27 22.2%
Section 9 South 854 4-14-18-34-62 etc. 6 27 22.2%
Section 9 (NPO) 2207 6-24-37-82 etc. 6 27 22.2%

On Saturday, July 8, 2023, two races were on the schedule once again. The last sprint race of 2023 and a day-long distance race. Due to high temperatures expected to exceed 30 degrees Celsius, the day-long distance race was shortened by approximately 100km, and Gray, located in the eastern region, was chosen as the destination with a distance of 533km.
The pigeons from both races were released on time to take advantage of lower temperatures as much as possible.


By now, the temperatures had risen significantly, and it was time for the day-long distance race. Despite the challenging conditions, the first pigeons still achieved a speed of 78km/h. Four prizes were won provincially within the top 100, securing positions 6, 24, 37, and 82 against 2,207 pigeons, with the first and second designated pigeons taking the first two positions.
The first pigeon was "Dior" NL22-7073662NL22-7073662, who had previously won 2nd NPO Sermaises. "Dior" was bred from Mooie Jan"Mooie Jan" x Alexis"Alexis". Both parents had already achieved excellent results in day-long distance races, clearly demonstrating the quality inherited by "Dior".



"Dior" won a.o.
2. NPO Sermaises  2,707 pigeons
6. NPO Gray 2,207 pigeons
7. Dizy le Gros 8,293 pigeons
16. Duffel 3,177 pigeons
25. Prov. Nanteuil  10,295 pigeons
27. Heusden 2,842 pigeons
30. Chalons en Champagne 2,411 pigeons
36. Prov Dizy le Gros 8,973 pigeons
74. Sermaises (528 km)  1.491 pigeons
86. Tongeren                                    8,364 pigeons

Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp
Cortenoeverseweg 82
6971 JK Brummen (NL)
Tel: +31 575 538555

Band number CC7 Section
NL22-7073662NL22-7073662  3 6
NL21-1570698NL21-1570698  9 24
NL22-8209216NL22-8209216  13 37
NL21-1668290NL21-1668290  26 82
NL22-8228982NL22-8228982  41 161
NL22-8229031NL22-8229031  127 499


30/04/23 Tienen (184,316 km) 09:00 East 3246 birds 9-11-13-19-23-48-49-50-64-66-79 etc. (47/63 = 74.6%)
Level Pigeons Result Prizes Boxed Percentage
Club 503 1-2-3-5-6-12-13-14-18-19-20-29 etc. 43 63 68.3%
Area CC7 3246 9-11-13-19-23-48-49-50-64-66-79 etc. 47 63 74.6%
Section 9 South 6870 12-14-17-25-31-68-70-72-93-96 etc. 47 63 74.6%

In 2022, we announced the formation of the Eijerkamp-Paalman partnership. Read more here.
The Eijerkamp-Paalman partnership has now also had its first races.
Tienen (184km) was scheduled for last Saturday, but the race was postponed for a day due to bad weather conditions.

An excellent result was achieved against 3,246 pigeons: 9-11-13-19-23-48-49-50-64-66-79-109-129-144-160-190-248-249-296-326- 371-386-391-415-421-435-450-451-476-486-487-579-585-622-652-682-764-766-767-769-770-781-824-941-1001- 1025-1032

63 pigeons were basketed and 47 prizes were won or 74.6%.



"Taylor" won a.o.
9. Tienen                       3,246 pigeons
12. Tienen 6,929 pigeons

Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp
Cortenoeverseweg 82
6971 JK Brummen (NL)
Tel: +31 575 538555



   1. Ace Natour CC Graafschap
11. Tienen                             3,246 pigeons
14. Quievrain 806 pigeons
14. Tienen 6.929 pigeons
19. Bierges 5,217 pigeons
26. Tongeren 1,642 pigeons

Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp
Cortenoeverseweg 82
6971 JK Brummen (NL)
Tel: +31 575 538555



7. Prov. Bierges                    6,198 pigeons
13. Tienen 3,246 pigeons
17. Tienen 6,929 pigeons
29. Nanteuil 1,139  pigeons
82. Bierges 11,941 pigeons


Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp
Cortenoeverseweg 82
6971 JK Brummen (NL)
Tel: +31 575 538555

Below the full results.

Bandnumber Prize
NL22-8229110NL22-8229110  9
NL21-1600163NL21-1600163  11
NL22-7073663NL22-7073663  13
NL22-8228946NL22-8228946  19
NL22-8228986NL22-8228986  23
NL22-7073658NL22-7073658  48
NL21-1668290NL21-1668290  49
NL21-1567383NL21-1567383  50
NL22-8228939NL22-8228939  64
NL21-1600193NL21-1600193  66
NL22-8209223NL22-8209223  79
NL22-8229059NL22-8229059  109
NL22-8229086NL22-8229086  129
NL21-1668280NL21-1668280  144
NL22-8228948NL22-8228948  160
NL22-7073681NL22-7073681  190
NL22-8684919NL22-8684919  248
NL22-7073677NL22-7073677  249
NL22-8131915NL22-8131915  296
NL22-8228978NL22-8228978  326
NL22-8131913NL22-8131913  371
NL22-8209264NL22-8209264  386
NL22-8131917NL22-8131917  391
NL22-8228950NL22-8228950  415
NL22-8229044NL22-8229044  421
NL22-8228937NL22-8228937  435
NL22-8229093NL22-8229093  450
NL22-8229088NL22-8229088  451
NL22-8229057NL22-8229057  476
NL21-1567379NL21-1567379  486
NL22-8131918NL22-8131918  487
NL22-8229047NL22-8229047  579
NL22-7073673NL22-7073673  585
NL22-8209218NL22-8209218  622
NL22-8131929NL22-8131929  652
NL22-8228901NL22-8228901  682
NL22-8209254NL22-8209254  764
NL22-8209230NL22-8209230  766
NL22-8229112NL22-8229112  767
NL21-1570698NL21-1570698  769
NL22-8131901NL22-8131901  770
NL22-7073667NL22-7073667  781
NL22-8229031NL22-8229031  824
NL22-8209219NL22-8209219  941
NL22-8165761NL22-8165761  1001
NL22-8209235NL22-8209235  1025
NL22-7073662NL22-7073662  1032
02/07/23 Chalons - Champagne (389,477 km) 08:45 West 1042 birds 3-4-20-21-23-35-39-43-47 etc. (37/60 = 61.7%)
Level Pigeons Result Prizes Boxed Percentage
Club 198 2-3-9-10-12-15-16-19-21-22-23-24-25 etc. 30 60 50.0%
Area CC7 1042 3-4-20-21-23-35-39-43-47 etc. 37 60 61.7%
Section 9 South 2410 20-22-109-120-123-149 etc. 33 60 55.0%

On this page, we report on the middle-distance pigeon race from Chalon en Champagne covering a distance of 389km by the Eijerkamp-Paalman combination. Expectations were high because the pigeons had been performing at a high level in recent weeks. The pigeons returned home well, but this time an absolute top ranking was not achieved.
The weather was good with a strong west wind, and the first pigeons achieved high speeds of well over 90km/h. A total of 60 pigeons were entered, of which 37 won prizes in CC7.

The results were 3rd, 4th, 20th, 21st, 23rd, 35th, 39th, 43rd, 47th, etc. in Chalon en Champagne against 1,042 pigeons in CC7.

The first pigeon was NL22-8228948NL22-8228948 "Rexy," a daughter of NL19-1412810NL19-1412810 "Posseidon", which was bred from the super pair Vetblauwe Jackpot"Vetblauwe Jackpot" x Uniek"Uniek".

The second pigeon was NL22-8228941NL22-8228941 "Katja", a granddaughter of both Vetblauwe Jackpot"Vetblauwe Jackpot" and Euro Junior"Euro Junior".

The third pigeon was NL22-8228949NL22-8228949 "Lucas", a nestmate of the first pigeon, "Rexy".

So, the first three pigeons were all grandchildren of Vetblauwe Jackpot"Vetblauwe Jackpot".



"Rexy" won a.o.
2. Nat. Ace Middle Distance De Allerbeste 2024
7. Nat. Ace Middle Distance PIPA in 2023
2. Prov. Ace Pigeon Middle distance Afd. 9
1. Prov. Dizy le Gros     23,938 pigeons
3. Prov. Nanteuil 10,295 pigeons
3. Chalons en Campagne 1,042 pigeons
7. Prov. Dizy le Gros             9,131 pigeons
8. Charlevilles 4,004 pigeons
9. Prov. Bierges 14,594 pigeons
12. Prov. Bierges 17,843 pigeons
32. Prov. Bierges 6,198 pigeons
37. Prov. Chalons en Champ. 14,539 pigeons
40. Sourdun 5,271 pigeons
45. Chalons en Champagne          5,260 pigeons
51. Dizy le Gros 2,812 pigeons

Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp
Cortenoeverseweg 82
6971 JK Brummen (NL)
Tel: +31 575 538555



Won a.o.
4. Chalons en Champagne            1,042 pigeons
17. Charlevilles                                   3,228 pigeons
27. Provincial Dizy le Gros                    9,131 pigeons
34. Dizy le Gros 8,293 pigeons
58. Heusden-Zolder 3,001 pigeons
91. Dizy le Gros 1,601 pigeons

Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp
Cortenoeverseweg 82
6971 JK Brummen (NL)
Tel: +31 575 538555



"Lucas" won a.o.
3. NPO Morlincourt                     6,087 pigeons
5. Heusden-Zolder 3,001 pigeons
16. Charlevilles 13,310 pigeons
20. Chalon en Champagne 1,042 pigeons
66. Marche 3,381 pigeons

Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp
Cortenoeverseweg 82
6971 JK Brummen (NL)
Tel: +31 575 538555

22/07/23 NPO Issoudun ZAC (664,321 km) 07:15 SW 2135 birds 7-17-32-33-56-71-90 etc. (25/35 = 71.4%)
Level Pigeons Result Prizes Boxed Percentage
Club 104 2-3-5-6-8-11-14-18-19-22-23-24-25 etc. 18 35 51.4%
Area CC7 438 2-3-6-7-10-13-18-23-26-33-34 etc. 25 35 71.4%
Section 9 South 809 2-4-7-13-18-24-30-34-45-46 etc. 25 35 71.4%
Section 9 (NPO) 2135 7-17-32-33-56-71-90 etc. 25 35 71.4%

Eijerkamp-Paalman achieved many successes in their first year and therefore looked forward to the final long-distance race with great confidence.
For this, 35 pigeons were well-prepared and entered for the Issoudun race, covering a distance of 664km.
The justified confidence was evident in the results: 7th, 17th, 32nd, 33rd, 56th, etc., in the NPO Issoudun race against 2,135 pigeons.

The first pigeon was NL22-8229041NL22-8229041 "Wilson", which had won 5 prizes earlier this year, though not yet top rankings.

Its father, NL20-1496841NL20-1496841 "Bassie", is a 100% G&S Verkerk pigeon.

The mother, Eternity"Eternity", is a daughter of Streetfighter"Streetfighter" x Indy"Indy".



Won a.o.
7. NPO Issoudun 2,135 pigeons
8. Heusden-Zolder                           3,065 pigeons
9. Heusden-Zolder 3,001 pigeons
30. Tongeren 2,989 pigeons
45. Prov. Marche                    10.897 pigeons
47. Charlevilles  13.310 pigeons
48. Marche 8,459 pigeons
59. Provincial Bierges 17,843 pigeons

Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp
Cortenoeverseweg 82
6971 JK Brummen (NL)
Tel: +31 575 538555



"Evi" won a.o.
13. Sourdun 5,271 pigeons
17. NPO Issoudun                     2,135 pigeons
28. Dizy le Gros 5,937 pigeons
31. Provincial Bierges 17,843 pigeons
40. Prov.Dizy le Gros 9,131 pigeons
40. Chalons en Champagne          5,260 pigeons
71. Nanteuil 1,139 pigeons

Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp
Cortenoeverseweg 82
6971 JK Brummen (NL)
Tel: +31 575 538555



"Lorena" won a.o.
9. NPO Chateauroux 2,273 pigeons
14. Tongeren 8,364 pigeons
32. NPO Issoudun 2,135 pigeons
55. Dizy le Gros                     5,937 pigeons
57. NPO Sermaises 4,425 pigeons

Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp
Cortenoeverseweg 82
6971 JK Brummen (NL)
Tel: +31 575 538555

Below the prize winning pigeons

Band number CC 7 Section
NL22-8229041NL22-8229041  2 7
NL22-8131929NL22-8131929  3 17
NL22-8229031NL22-8229031  6 32
NL22-8228978NL22-8228978  7 33
NL22-8684919NL22-8684919  10 56
NL22-8229019NL22-8229019  13 71
NL22-7073668NL22-7073668  18 90
NL22-8229047NL22-8229047  23 101
NL22-8131915NL22-8131915  26 110
NL21-1567383NL21-1567383  33 135
NL22-8209264NL22-8209264  34 136
NL22-8229088NL22-8229088  41 156
NL22-7073658NL22-7073658  46 182
NL22-7073681NL22-7073681  50 206
NL21-1668290NL21-1668290  56 222
NL22-8209216NL22-8209216  61 237
NL22-8228937NL22-8228937  64 255
NL22-7073680NL22-7073680  66 273
NL22-8209219NL22-8209219  89 397
NL22-8228949NL22-8228949  90 403
NL22-8228948NL22-8228948  99 431
NL21-1668280NL21-1668280  108 453
NL22-8229062NL22-8229062  117 489
NL21-1600193NL21-1600193  118 494
NL22-8228982NL22-8228982  121 498
24/06/23 Chateauroux Parc. (688,449 km) 07:00 NW 2273 birds 9-43-56-63-67 etc. (11/17 = 64.7%)
Level Pigeons Result Prizes Boxed Percentage
Area CC7 497 3-9-15-17-18-29 etc. 11 17 64.7%
Section 9 South 891 3-12-19-22-23-39 etc. 11 17 64.7%
Section 9 2273 9-43-56-63-67 etc. 11 17 64.7%

This weekend, there were two races, a short-distance race and a long-distance race.
In both races, pigeons from Eijerkamp-Paalman were entered, and the expectations were high as the pigeons have been performing remarkably well in recent weeks.
The pigeons exceeded expectations because prizes were won within the top 10 in the department in both races.
In the short-distance race from Marche (231km), provincial prizes were won at the 5th, 10th, 51st, and 54th positions out of 10,178 pigeons. 30 out of 42 pigeons entered won a prize.
In the long-distance race from Chateauroux (688km), prizes at the 9th, 43rd, 56th, 63rd, and 67th NPO Chateauroux against 2,273 pigeons were won, achieving a prize percentage of 65%. 


The first pigeon was NL22-8229031NL22-8229031 "Lorena".

The father was bred from NL19-1244991NL19-1244991 "Kjeld" from Gerard Koopman x NL15-1365058NL15-1365058 "Kania".

The mother was bred from a son of Indy"Indy" x NL17-1647663NL17-1647663 "Sister Jet" from A&B Leideman.



"Lorena" won a.o.
9. NPO Chateauroux 2,273 pigeons
14. Tongeren 8,364 pigeons
32. NPO Issoudun 2,135 pigeons
55. Dizy le Gros                     5,937 pigeons
57. NPO Sermaises 4,425 pigeons

Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp
Cortenoeverseweg 82
6971 JK Brummen (NL)
Tel: +31 575 538555

Below all the prize winning pigeons with the prizes won in CC 7 and the Section. There were 497 pigeons in the race in CC 7 and 2,273 in the Section.

Band number CC7 Section
NL22-8229031NL22-8229031  3 9
NL22-8209254NL22-8209254  9 43
NL22-8229019NL22-8229019  15 56
NL22-8209242NL22-8209242  17 63
NL22-7073662NL22-7073662  18 67
NL22-8228982NL22-8228982  29 117
NL21-1570698NL21-1570698  47 171
NL21-1668290NL21-1668290  71 270
NL22-8229047NL22-8229047  89 351
NL22-7073658NL22-7073658  99 428
NL22-8229110NL22-8229110  113 492
26/08/23 Tongeren (168,178 km) 08:10 SW 2989 birds 15-19-20-22-23-24-25-26-30-36-43-50 etc. (93/167 = 55.7%)
Level Pigeons Result Prizes Boxed Percentage
Club 487 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-13-16-18-20-25 etc. 66 167 39.5%
Area CC7 2989 15-19-20-22-23-24-25-26-30-36-43-50 etc. 93 167 55.7%

On this page, we report on the post-season race from Tongeren covering a distance of 168km. Because the young pigeons were not included in the young pigeon races due to them not being in perfect condition, they were only entered in a race for the first time last week.
Last week, a total of 169 old and young pigeons were entered, and this week there were 167, which clearly indicates how well the pigeons returned home last week.
Around 2:00 PM, 164 pigeons had already returned home this week, so once again, the pigeons are returning home well, and the training of the young pigeons is progressing perfectly.
The weather was good, and the first pigeons achieved high speeds well above 100 km/h.

The result was 15, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 36, 43, 50 etc Tongeren against 2,989 pigeons.

The first pigeon was NL23-9099701NL23-9099701, a child of New Euro"New Euro" and a grandchild of Turbo Rossi"Turbo Rossi".

The second pigeon was NL22-7073667NL22-7073667, named "Stan", a grandson of "Luka Modric", who became 1st National Ace Young NPO in 2018.

The third pigeon was NL22-8229055NL22-8229055, bred from 100% Leideman brothers birds, from the pairing of Viton"Viton" and Daughter Goed Grijs"Daughter Goed Grijs".

New Euro


"New Euro" is winner of 
1. German Olympiad pigeon Budapest Cat. F
1. Alsfeld 3,825 pigeons
2. Frankenau               4,049 pigeons
3. Korbach 4,293 pigeons
"New Euro" is father to
1. Nat. Ace Yearlings De Allerbeste 2024
3. Nat. Ace Young M.D. Pipa 2018
5. Nat. Ace S.D./M.D. WHZB 2020
5. Nat. Ace pigeon Short Distance NPO 2021
5. Nat. Ace Young Short Distance PIPA 2023
6. Nat. Ace Allround De Allerbeste 2022
9. Nat. Ace Youngster WHZB 2019
11. Nat. Ace Short Distance De Allerbeste 2023
1. Prov. Laon      7,594 pigeons   327 km
1. Prov. Morlincourt 7,584 pigeons 357 km
1. Prov. Menen          5,548 pigeons 254 km
3. NPO Laon 11,179 pigeons 332 km
3. Nat. Melun 6,383 pigeons 463 km
6. NPO Peronne 5,900 pigeons 356 km


Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp
Cortenoeverseweg 82
6971 JK Brummen (NL)
Tel: +31 575 538555



"Stan" won a.o.
1. Prov. Nanteuil (427 km) 10.295 pigeons
1. Chalons en Champ. (389km)  5,260 pigeons
3. Heusden-Zolder 6,324 pigeons
4. Charlevilles 3,228 pigeons
10. Prov. Marche 10,178 pigeons
19. Tongeren                                     2,989 pigeons
23. Bierges 6,198 pigeons
26. Provincial Dizy le Gros                    9,131 pigeons
28. Duffel 3,177 pigeons
31. Dizy le Gros 8,293 pigeons
32. Heusden-Zolder                           3,001 pigeons
56. Provincial Mettet 12,148 pigeons
83. Morlincourt 6,133 pigeons

Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp
Cortenoeverseweg 82
6971 JK Brummen (NL)
Tel: +31 575 538555



Won a.o.
13. Provincial Mettet 12,148 pigeons
20. Tongeren                                     2,989 pigeons
25. Marche 8,459 pigeons
66. Provincial Bierges 17,843 pigeons
69. Dizy le Gros 8,293 pigeons

Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp
Cortenoeverseweg 82
6971 JK Brummen (NL)
Tel: +31 575 538555

Prizes won in the top 100 in CC7 against 2,989 pigeons

Band number CC7
NL23-9099701NL23-9099701  15
NL22-7073667NL22-7073667  19
NL22-8229055NL22-8229055  20
NL22-8209219NL22-8209219  22
NL22-8131917NL22-8131917  23
NL22-8209235NL22-8209235  24
NL21-1570698NL21-1570698  25
NL22-8229093NL22-8229093  26
NL22-7073677NL22-7073677  28
NL22-8209230NL22-8209230  29
NL22-8229041NL22-8229041  30
NL23-9099726NL23-9099726  36
NL22-7073668NL22-7073668  43
NL22-8229049NL22-8229049  50
NL22-8229044NL22-8229044  52
NL22-8229048NL22-8229048  57
NL22-8131918NL22-8131918  59
NL22-7073673NL22-7073673  61
NL21-1668290NL21-1668290  65
NL23-9039320NL23-9039320  70
NL22-7073681NL22-7073681  85
NL21-1600193NL21-1600193  96
NL22-8228941NL22-8228941  99